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Define a connection to a JMX-managed MBean server

Before you begin

Review Define a connection factory for JMX connections.

After you define a connection factory, you can create JMX connections that WLOC can use to connect to a JMX server:

  1. Access the Controller page in one of the following ways:
    • Click the Controller tab in the WLOC navigation bar.
    • Click the Home tab in the WLOC navigation bar and click Controller under Manage Configuration.
  2. Click the Connections tab on the Controller page.

    The list of currently defined connections is displayed in the Connections table.

  3. Click New under Connections.
  4. Enter the following information:
    Field Description


    Name of the connection.


    Description of the Connection. This field is optional.

    Factory Name

    The name of the connection factory. See Define a connection factory for JMX connections.

    URL Path

    URL of the JMX service object to use to construct the connection. For example, javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL.


    Protocol used to communicate with the MBean server. Enter one of the following values: t3, t3s, http, https, iiop, iiops


    Listen port of the WLS instance that hosts the MBean server.

    Host Address

    Listen address of the WLS instance that hosts the MBean server.

    JMX Service URL

    The JMX service URL to use instead of specifying a WLS host and port. This URL is used to connect to a non-WLS endpoint, such as any MBean server.


    Complete path that contains the JARs, classes, and packages that support the protocols that can be used to connect to the MBean server.

    Initial Context Factory

    Initial context factory to use to connect. For example, weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory.

    Protocol Provider Package

    Name of the Java package that contains the protocol that you specified in the Protocol field.

    User Name

    Administrator user name for this connection.


    Administrator password for this connection.

    Confirm Password

    Re-enter the administrator password.

  5. Click Finish.
    The changes are saved and the following confirmation message is displayed:
    Connection created successfully

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