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Create an SNMP trap destination

You can configure WLOC to broadcast messages using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) protocol. An SNMP trap destination contains the information that the WLOC SNMP agent needs to send notifications to an SNMP manager. Create one SNMP Agent trap destination for each SNMP manager that you wish to receive notifications.

To create an SNMP Agent trap destination:

  1. Access the Controller page in one of the following ways:
    • Click the Controller tab in the WLOC navigation bar.
    • Click the Home tab in the WLOC navigation bar and click Controller under Manage Configuration.
  2. Click the SNMP Agent tab on the Controller page.
  3. Click the New under Trap Destinations on the SNMP Agent page.
  4. Enter information for the following fields:
    Field Description


    Name of the trap destination.


    Description of the trap destination. This field is optional.


    DNS name or IP address of the computer on which the SNMP manager is running.


    Port address on which the SNMP manager is listening.


    If the SNMP agent sends SNMPv1 or v2 notifications, enter the password (community name) that the SNMP manager requires for all incoming requests.

    Security Name

    If the SNMP agent sends SNMPv3 notifications, enter the user name on whose behalf the WLOC SNMP agent sends notifications. The user name must be the name of an existing WLOC user for whom you have created an SNMP credential map. When the WLOC SNMP agent prepares a notification, it uses the credential map to look up and encode SNMP credentials.

    Security Level

    If the SNMP agent sends SNMPv3 notifications, select a security level that is equal to or higher than the security level that is configured for receiving requests from SNMP managers. Valid options include: No Authorization or Privileges, Authorization but no Privileges, or Authorization and Privileges.

    For example, if the WLOC SNMP agent requires incoming SNMPv3 requests to use the authorization protocol, the security level for this trap destination must be set to Authorization and Privileges or Authorization but no Privileges.
  5. Click Save.
    The changes are saved and the following confirmation message is displayed:
    Trap destination created successfully

After you finish

Perform one or more of the following tasks, as required:

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