WLOC Administration Console Online Help

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Monitor events

To monitor events on the Events page, click the Events tab in the WLOC navigation bar and click the Events tab on the Events page. You can view up to 200 of the most recent events.

To filter the list of events, enter Column=Value in the text box and click Filter. Column specifies the table column name on which you want to sort. Value specifies a string value on which to filter the contents. The filter is persistent across user sessions. To clear the filter, click Clear Filter.

Task and Events viewer:

The Tasks and Events viewer, located at the bottom of the WLOC Administration Console, displays up to the last 20 events that have occurred and is active no matter which tab is currently selected. This viewer provides the same ability to filter messages that appear in it as provided on the Events page. The filter can be collapsed or expanded for use by clicking the + icon on the right side of the viewer.

You can also create custom viewing tabs with unique filters by clicking on the + tab and providing a custom tab name when prompted. The currently-selected tab becomes the active tab and that tab's filter (if specified) is automatically applied to the viewer. The active tab is persistent across user sessions. To remove a custom tab, click on the X icon next to the tab's label.

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