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Select resources to monitor

Before you begin

Review Monitor resources.

To add charts to a view:

  1. Click the Monitoring tab in the WLOC navigation bar.
  2. Set the active view, as described in Set the active view.
  3. Click the Resources tab in the Resources pane.
  4. Navigate the resources listed in the Resources pane to display the monitorable types for each node in the tree.
    Resource Description


    Monitor CPU and memory usage over time (hh:mm:ss) for one or more services. To view the monitorable types for a service, expand the Services list in the Resources pane and expand the name of the service.

    Resource Pools

    Monitor CPU and memory usage over time (hh:mm:ss) for one or more resource pools. To view the monitorable types for a resource pool, expand the Resource Pools list in the Resources pane and expand the name of the resource pool.


    Monitor CPU and memory usage over time (hh:mm:ss) for one or more JVMs. To view the monitorable types for a JVM, expand the JVMs list in the Resources pane and expand the name of the JVM.

    MBean Servers

    Monitor the values of one or more MBean attributes over time (hh:mm:ss).

    Note: WLOC does not support monitoring Open MBeans.

    To select an MBean attribute:

    1. Expand the MBean Servers list in the Resource pane.
    2. Expand the name of the MBean Server to display a list of MBean types.
    3. Expand the MBean type to display the list of MBean instances.
    4. Click the MBean instance to display a list of monitorable MBean attributes.

    Tip: When filtering WebLogic Server run-time MBeans and JRockit MBeans, be aware that they have a default query regular expression (regexp) of: weblogic.management.runtime.+|jrockit.+|^((?!weblogic.management.configuration|weblogic.j2ee|weblogic.security|weblogic.management.security|weblogic.management.mbeanservers).)*$ So when you reset the filter for an MBean Server it is reset to the default regexp.

    Smart Packs

    Monitor the values of Smart Pack metrics (such as, MinFreeHeapsize or MaxFreeHeapSize) over time (hh:mm:ss). To select a Smart Pack metric:

    1. Expand the Smart Packs list in the Resource pane.
    2. Expand the name of the Smart Pack vendor.
    3. Expand the name of the product to display a list of monitorable Smart Pack metrics.
  5. Each resource can be filtered using a regular expression. The filter functionality is accessed by right-clicking on a resource in the tree and selecting Filter on the context menu. All the children of a selected node are automatically included in the filter. Conversely, you can reset a node's contents using Clear Filter in the context menu. There can be multiple filters per tree, but only one per node. As an example, you can have complex regular expressions per node with a union operator (i.e., using Services|MBean Servers would display only the Services and MBean Servers nodes in the tree).
  6. Drag a monitorable attribute to the Charts and Views pane to add it to the current view.

    The chart is added using the preferences that are currently set. For information about setting preferences, see Set preferences for charts. If displayed, the legend identifies the monitorable type and resource for which the chart applies using the following format: monitorabletype@resourcename.

    • To re-position charts in the current view, you can drag a chart (or a monitorable attribute in the Resource pane) to the north, south, east, or west location of another chart, and the chart will be placed there. When you position a chart this way, other charts will adjust by moving accordingly. This positioning capability allows you to stack charts horizontally and vertically.
    • To re-size charts in the current view, drag the resize icon in the lower-right corner of each chart to resize the image as necessary. This allows you to create wider or taller charts.

    Note: If WLOC detects a problem with a selected chart, the following message is displayed within the body of the chart: Problem detected. View the events page and log files to troubleshoot the issue, as described in Monitor events and pending approvals and View and configure log and audit messages, respectively.

  7. Repeat Steps 4-6 to add additional charts to the current view, as required.

After you finish

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