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ObserverMetricLumper Subsystem Messages

The ObserverMetricLumper1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA2015200 - BEA2015299.


Info: The bundle name has successfully started.


The bundle name has successfully been started by the OSGi framework.


Normal operation.


No Action Required.


Error: An unexpected error occurred whilst removing the Observer ObsName, due to its associated process terminating. Ignoring the error: excp


It is normal for Observers to shutdown as a result of the associated process shutting down. At this point any errors in the Observer cause no harm so can be safely ignored.


Unknown error.


The current application is unaffected. But please notify BEA support that this occurred.


Warning: JVM with ID: jvmID terminated before all connections could be established. Last connect exception encountered was: excp.


A managed process may exit for any number of reasons. In this case the process with ID: jvmID existed in an early stage - before the MBeanServer connection could be established.


This process may have exited for legitimate reasons such as a manual termination by the user. In some cases the process may be terminated because a JMX connection could not be established in a reasonable period of time. If that occurs, the controller log will contain corresponding messages. An inability to establish a JMX connection indicates a communication problem that needs to be addressed.


The user should determine why the process exited and take the appropriate action. If the process was taken down by LOC due to an inability to establish a timely JMX connection, then the user needs to determine why the connection process is failing. This may require support from BEA.


Warning: JVM with ID: jvmID terminated after teh JVM connection was established but before the corresponding Observer was registered with the Controller.


A managed process may exit for any number of reasons. In this case the process with ID: jvmID existed in an early stage - before the Controller registration occurred. However the MBeanServer connection had been established by the agent process.


This process may have exited for legitimate reasons such as a manual termination by the user. In some cases the process may be terminated because a JMX connection could not be established in a reasonable period of time. If that happened here then the connection was eventually established, but the controller timed out before the corresponding Observer was registered. This can be verified in the controller log which will contain corresponding messages indicating the timeout.


If the exit was dues to a controller timeout the user may want to determine why the MBeanServer connection took so long.


Error: An unexpected error occurred whilst creating the Observer for the process processID. Since the process cannot be monitored, it is being stopped. Error was: excp


If is required for processes that are started by WLOC to be in a monitorable state. But it was not possible to start the Observer in this case. Since this process cannot be monitored it is being stopped by WLOC.


Unknown error.


This is typically caused by the application metadata or networking being incorrectly set up. The user should attempt to determine what the Observer cannot connect to the process. If not cause can be identified, notify BEA support.


Warning: Monitoring port is not specified for process jvmID. Monitoring of this process is therefore disabled.


If the user has no ready metric, and does not want WLOC to monitor the process for any other reason they can choose to forfeit monitoring of the process by omitting a port specification (or setting the port to a value less than 1).


User has not provided a monitoring port.


If the user does not want to forgo monitoring, they should provide a positive monitoring port for this process.


Info: The bundle name has successfully been stopped.


The bundle name has successfully been stopped by the OSGi framework.


Normal operation.


No action required.

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