This document is used to configure the services and policies for an instance of the Liquid Operations Control (LOC) server. Services are a collection of processes that work together. The processes within a service are grouped by type. The processes (or instances) of a particaular process type are treated as homogeneous entities. This is the type of the root element for the LOC metadata configuration. Function definitions which may be used when defining constraints. Globally scoped constraint bindings. Depending on the type of constraint, this binding may be replicated down to individual services. Definitions for the services managed by this LOC controller instance A set of factory classes for instantiating connections to some endpoint. These are used by notification actions. Information needed to initialize the connection to an endpoint that will be used in a notification action. The constraint definitions used to define policy for services managed by this LOC controller instance. Definitions for notifications that are made when actions or pipelines are executed when policy violations occur. These work in a similar manner as notification actions, but are a side effect of an action or pipeline rather than being the action or a part of the pipeline. Lists of actions which may be executed as the result of a policy violation. Individual actions which may be executed as the result of a policy violation. Defines an adjudication handler for actions and pipelines. This is not used in V1 and adjudication is handled strictly in the LOC console Information used for starting process instances. Defines binding between a constraint definition (see constraintsDefinitionType) and either an action (see actionType) or a pipeline (see pipelineDefinitionType). constraintTypes are used in three different scopes within this document: global, service, process type Certain constraint types are only valid at a particular scope. Improper bindings will be ignored by the system. This is a reference to the constraint-key element of a constraint definition. See constraintsDefinitionType. This is a reference to the action-key element of an action definition. See actionType. This is a reference to the pipeline-key element of an pipeline definition. See pipelineDefinitionType. This is an optional reference to the name element of the jvmInstanceType. This is used as a hint for the action to decide which instance of the process type to act on. Defines the constraint bindings for a particular scope. references a constraint definition and an action or pipeline to form a policy for a particular scope. Defines a LOC Process Type which is a grouping of like instances within a LOC Service. constraint bindings scoped to the process type. The name of the process type. This must be unique within the scope of the service. A description of this process type references information about the individual instances of this process type. A collection of processType definitions A process type definition. Defines a LOC Service. A LOC Service is collection of processes which are grouped by type (see processTypeType) The name of the service. A description of th eservice. The desired deployment state of the service (undeployed|staged|deployed). The priority of this service. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Service scoped constraint bindings. Depending on the type of constraint, this binding may be replicated down to individual process types within the service. This may also be the case for global bindings that were replicated to the service. The process types that comprise this service An action or pipeline that is executed as the result of a policy violation can fail and if the policy is still in violation, the action or pipeline will be retried. This defines the maximum number of times an action or pipeline will be executed when the first try fails. Determines the placement algorithm that is used when deploying a service. PreferLarger means choose a placement organization where VMs are placed into pools with the most amount of resource available. PreferSmaller means choose an organization where VMs are placed into smaller pools such that there is less space left over. A collection of service definitions A service definition The definition for a constraint on a pool. This type is only valid when bound at the global level, that is, outside the scope of any service (see constraintType). The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. If true, the value will be assumed to be 0 if there is no metric available. By default, this is false, which means don't evaluate the policy when no metric is available. min means the policy fails if the metric goes below a certain value. max means the policy fails if the metric goes above a certain value. The boundary condition for this constraint, depending on the constraint type, this policy will fail if the actual value goes above (max) or below (min) this value. Defines a constraint which is evaluated when a service is being deployed or undeployed. This constraint type is used to override the implicit deployment behavior. When a service has a binding to a deploymentStateConstraint, the corresponding action or pipeline will be executed rather than the default action for deployment or undeployment. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is transitioning. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. Defines a policy constraint on an observed value of type int The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. If true, the value will be assumed to be 0 if there is no metric available. By default, this is false, which means don't evaluate the policy when no metric is available. min means the policy fails if the metric goes below a certain value. max means the policy fails if the metric goes above a certain value. The boundary condition for this constraint, depending on the constraint type, this policy will fail if the actual value goes above (max) or below (min) this value. Defines a policy constraint on an observed value of type long The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. If true, the value will be assumed to be 0 if there is no metric available. By default, this is false, which means don't evaluate the policy when no metric is available. min means the policy fails if the metric goes below a certain value. max means the policy fails if the metric goes above a certain value. The boundary condition for this constraint, depending on the constraint type, this policy will fail if the actual value goes above (max) or below (min) this value. Defines a policy constraint on an observed value of type float The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. If true, the value will be assumed to be 0 if there is no metric available. By default, this is false, which means don't evaluate the policy when no metric is available. min means the policy fails if the metric goes below a certain value. max means the policy fails if the metric goes above a certain value. The boundary condition for this constraint, depending on the constraint type, this policy will fail if the actual value goes above (max) or below (min) this value. Defines a policy constraint on an observed value of type double The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. If true, the value will be assumed to be 0 if there is no metric available. By default, this is false, which means don't evaluate the policy when no metric is available. min means the policy fails if the metric goes below a certain value. max means the policy fails if the metric goes above a certain value. The boundary condition for this constraint, depending on the constraint type, this policy will fail if the actual value goes above (max) or below (min) this value. Defines a policy constraint on an observed value of type boolean The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. This can only be set to equals which means the metric must equal the value. If the metric does not equal the value, the policy fails and an action will be taken. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines a policy constraint on an observed value of type date The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. This can only be set to equals which means the metric must equal the value. If the metric does not equal the value, the policy fails and an action will be taken. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines a policy constraint on an observed value of type string The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. If true, then the constraint will match even if the matched metric has an observer error. This means an event can occur on stale data. The default for this is false. equals means the metric must be equal to the constraint value, otherwise the policy fails. matches means the metric must match the value which is a regular expression, otherwise the policy fails. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. The processTypeActionConstraintType defines a policy constraint that is evaluated on the result of a previously executed action. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The name of the action that this policy is evaluated against. The status of the action which will cause this policy to lead to a new event. The processTypeEventConstraintType defines a policy constraint that is evaluated on the result of a previously executed event. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The name of the event that this policy is evaluated against. The status of the event which will cause this policy to lead to a new event. Defines the maximum amount of RAM that can be used by the process. This will only be used if the underlying system allows this to be controlled, such as is the case in ESX. In the case of ESX, this setting corresponds to the notion of "limit". The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines the minimum amount of RAM required by the process. In the case of ESX, this setting corresponds to the notion of "reserve". The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines the memory share number for systems such as ESX where share is supported. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines the maximum amount of CPU resource that should be allocated to an instance of a process type. This is only supported on virtualized systems that allow control over CPU usage. On ESX, this corresponds to the notion of "limit". The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines the minimum amount of CPU resource that should be allocated to an instance of a process type. This is only supported on virtualized systems that allow control over CPU usage. On ESX, this corresponds to the notion of "reserve". The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines the CPU share number for systems such as ESX where share is supported. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines a software requirement for a process type The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. This is not used for this constraint type The logical name of the software. This is the same name that is used in the agent configuration. The mountpoint that the software on the VM. Files that will be copied when the VM is created. Files that will be copied on first shutdown. Defines a iso requirement for a process type The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. This is not used for this constraint type The logical name of the iso. This is the same name that is used in the agent configuration. Files that will be copied when the VM is created. Defines a JRE requirement for a process type The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. This is not used for this constraint type The minimum JRE version The maximum JRE version Comma-separated list of acceptable JRE types Comma-separated list of non-acceptable JRE types Defines a disk size requirement for an ESX process type The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. This is not used for this constraint type The local disk size in mega-bytes for an ESX instance Defines an IP Address requirement for a process type The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. A string representing an IP Address name. Defines the maximum number of instances allowed for a process type. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines the minimum number of instances of a process type required for a service to run. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The value which the metric is compared to based on the constraint type. Defines a trigger which will generate an event (or multiple events) based on a cron string. The events behave similar to QOSEvents in that they lead to an action or pipeline being executed. The actions will be applied to instances of the associated process type which binds to this definition. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. Defines when the trigger will be fired. The value has 6 required fields separated by spaces which represent seconds, minutes, hours, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week. There is also an optional 7th field which represents the year. Defines a trigger which will generate an event (or multiple events) based on a cron string. The events behave similar to ServiceEvents in that they lead to an action or pipeline being executed. The actions will be applied to the service which binds to this definition. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. Defines when the trigger will be fired. The value has 6 required fields separated by spaces which represent seconds, minutes, hours, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week. There is also an optional 7th field which represents the year. Defines a trigger which will lead to the deployment of a service. The trigger action will update the desired state of the service to be "deployed" The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. Defines when the trigger will be fired. The value has 6 required fields separated by spaces which represent seconds, minutes, hours, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week. There is also an optional 7th field which represents the year. Defines a trigger which will lead to the undeployment of a service. The trigger action will update the desired state of the service to be "undeployed" The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. Defines when the trigger will be fired. The value has 6 required fields separated by spaces which represent seconds, minutes, hours, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week. There is also an optional 7th field which represents the year. Defines a policy constraint on an error metric at the global scope The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. Defines a policy constraint on an error metric related to a service The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. Defines a policy constraint on an error metric at the process type scope The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. Defines a policy constraint on an error metric related to a resource pool The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. The instance name of the object containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically a JMX ObjectName. The instance type of the objcet containing the metric that is measured to test this constraint. This is typically the classname of the JMX object. The name of the attribute on the object instance that defines the metric. Defines a policy constraint based on a custom constraint definition The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this constraint The key for this constraint definition used in constraint bindings. This must be unique across all constraint keys, but may be the same as the name for this constraint. The priority of this constraint. This will effect the order of rule evaluation when policy violations occur at the same time, but will not preempt any events that are in progress already. Defines whether this constraint is triggered when the service is deployed or undeployed. In most cases, constraints are defined for the deployed state. In the case where a policy violation has been failed and handled, this defines the minimum amount of time the system will wait before re-evaluating that policy. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 0. The period starts when the event is fired. This is the name of a custom-constraint-definition defined in a smart pack. The value that the constraint will test against. How this is used depends on the custom-constraint-definition. Defines a function which may be used when defining constraints. The name of the constraint definition. This must be unique across all constraint definitions A description of this function definition defines the function. A collection of functions that are defined for this LOC instance. A functions that is defined for this LOC instance. Defines a connection factory which will be used to instantiate connections to external processes. The connection factory is used by a JMS notification action to initialize the JMS client. (see connectionInfoType) The name of the connection factory. This is referenced from the connectionInfoType A description of this connection factory The classname of a factory for the connection. The class must implement com.bea.adaptive.loc.agent.process.configuration.api.ConfigurationUpdateConnectionFactory A collection of connection factories that are defined for this LOC instance. A connection factory instance. Defines a classpath that is used to load classes that are needed to create external connections A classpath element Information used to create a JMX Connection to a managed instance. This is used by the configuration actions The name of the connection information which is referenced by the action properties. A user defined description of this connection information The name of a connectionFactoryType which will be used to create the connection. The protocol that will be used to create the connection, e.g., t3,iiop,http The host address of the managed entity The port that the managed entity is listening on A url path for the connection For generic JVMs this specifies a JMX Service URL to use for harvesting. Classpath information that will be added to the classloader that is used to create the connection. InitialContextFactory used in setting up JNDI properties when making a JMX Connection to WebLogic Server The package name for the JMX protocol provider needed to make a client conection to the managed instance Username credential needed to access the managed instance Password for the specified username. This is an encrypted element. A collection of connection information elements used used by this LOC instance. Information for connecting to a JMX endpoint. The definitions for the policies used to manage the services maintained by this LOC controller. These policy definitions are linked to from constraint bindings (see constraints) which are defined within process type definitions, service definitions or globally. see resourcePoolConstraintType see deploymentStateConstraintType see minMemoryConstraintType see maxMemoryConstraintType see maxMemoryConstraintType see minCPUConstraintType see maxCPUConstraintType see maxCPUConstraintType see softwareConstraintType see isoConstraintType see jreConstraintType see localDiskSizeConstraintType see ipAddressConstraintType see minProcessConstraintType see maxProcessConstraintType see intConstraintType see longConstraintType see floatConstraintType see doubleConstraintType see booleanConstraintType see dateConstraintType see stringConstraintType see customConstraintType see processTypeActionConstraintType see processTypeEventConstraintType see cronServiceEventConstraintType see cronProcessTypeEventConstraintType see cronDeploymentConstraintType see cronUndeploymentConstraintType see processTypeObserverErrorConstraintType see resourcePoolErrorConstraintType This is a collection of actions associated with a notification. When any of these actions is executed, a notification will be sent. The key of an action definition This is a collection of pipelines associated with a notification. When any of these pipelines is executed, the notification will be sent. The key of a pipeline definition A notification which is fired when an action or pipeline executes. A name for the notification. A user defined description of the notification A list of references to the key elements of an action definitions that indicates which actions will trigger this notification. A list of references to the key elements of pipeline definitions that indicates which actions will trigger this notification. Properties for initializing the notification. These are specific to the notification type. A collection of notifications which are fired when an action or pipeline executes. A notification which will be fired when an action or pipeline executes A reference to an action definition the key of the action definition ??? A list of actions that make up a pipeline An action within a pipeline This is used in calls to JMX operations. It defines the types of the arguments to the operation. defines the type of one argument to a JMX operation This is used in calls to JMX operations. It defines the the argument values passed to the operation. defines one argument to a JMX operation This is used to invoke JMX update actions. It defines the attribute to be changed and the new value. Attribute name Attribute value A set of JMX attributes affected by a JMX oeration. An attribute affected by a JMX operation A WLS Specific JMX operation that creates a new MBean the name of this action a user defined description of this action The name of the new MBean The parent of the new MBean (one of the create methods on this MBean will be called). Parameters to the create call The types for the parameters passed to the create call. A Generic JMX operation that creates a new MBean The name of this action a user defined description of this action The name of the new MBean The class name used to construct the new MBean instance The name of the classloader MBean that has the MBean class to be instantiated Parameters to the create call The types for the parameters passed to the create call. A Generic JMX operation that destroys an MBean The name of this action a user defined description of this action The name of the MBean to be destroyed A WLS Specific JMX operation that destroys an MBean The name of this action a user defined description of this action The name of the MBean to be destroyed The parent of the MBean being destroyed. A destroy method on this MBean will be called. Parameters to the create call The types for the parameters passed to the create call. A Generic JMX operation that updates one or more attributes on an MBean The name of this action a user defined description of this action The name of the MBean which will be modified A list of attributes and values that will be affected by the set operation. A Generic JMX operation is used to invoke an operation on an MBean The name of this action a user defined description of this action The name of the MBean that will be invoked on The name of the operation to be executed Parameters to the create call The types for the parameters passed to the create call. A list of JMX commands A WLS specific command for creating a new MBean A generic command for creating a new MBean A WLS specific command for destroying an MBean A generic command for destroying an MBean A generic command for updating one or more attributes on an MBean. A generic command to invoke on an MBean operation Metric information that is used when starting a managed instance to test whether the instance has fully booted. The type of check. ValueExists checks to see if the metric has shown up. ValueEquals determines that the metric has a particular value Defines the number of milliseconds to wait for the check to succeed. If this period expires, it is assumed that the managed instance will not come up and the instance will be killed. The JMX instance name of the metric (usually a JMX ObjectName) The attribute on the instance that is checked. When check-type is set to ValueEquals, this is what the value is compared against. In the case of ValueEquals, this is the type of the value being checked. The configured value is coerced to this type before the check is done. The type must have a constructor with a single parameter of type java.lang.String. Defines a pipeline which is a list of actions which will be executed when an administrative policy fails. The name of this pipeline. This must be unique across all pipelines A description of this pipeline The key for this pipeline. This is referenced from constraint definitions and must be unique across all pipelines. It may be the same as the name value, however. Defines whether this action should be adjudicated. This is ignored if the action is run as part of a pipeline. In that case, the pipeline adjudication property is honored. A list of actions that make up this pipeline. A collection of pipeline definitions A pipeline definition A list of arguments that are passed when creating a JVM. A JVM argument. Information used to start a JVM instance. The name of this instance A description of this instance. The maximum number of copies of this instance that can be created. The default is 1 Variables used for substitution in other elements within this type. The variables must be arrays of strings. The main class used to start the instance. A jar file with a main class used to start the instance. Information used to define when the managed instance has come up. Arguments passed to the JVM when it is started Arguments passed to the main method. A path to native libraries used by the application running in the jvm. The directory from which the JVM is launched indicates whether native (true) or WLS JMX (false) is used for WebLogicServer instance, the protocol for the administration channel for WebLogicServer instance, the host address of the server for WebLogicServer instance, the listen port used for administration. for WebLogicServer instance, the username of the administrator. This attribute is encrypted for WebLogicServer instance, the password of the administrator. This attribute is encrypted For generic JVMs this specifies a JMX Service URL to use for harvesting. Defines whether SSH is enabled in the LiquidVM If true, instance start will wait until the ssh service on the LiquidVM is running before starting the application. In the case where there are multiple instances of one type, this defines the order in which individual instances are started. Files that will be copied on when the VM is created. Files that will be copied on first shutdown. The instance meta data for the instances of a meta data group. The instance meta data for one JVM instance. A collection of meta data about the instances of a particular process type. The name of this meta-data group. This must be unique across meta data groups A description of this meta data group The key for this meta data group. This is referenced from the process type definition and must be unique across all meta data group definitions. It may, however, be the same as the name. The instance definitions of this meta data group. The meta data for all instances managed by this LOC controller instance A meta data group for a process type. The definition of an action which will be taken when some user defined policy fails. The name of this action. This must be unique across all actions The key of this action. This is referenced by constraint bindings and pipeline definitions. This must be unique across all actions, but may be the same as the name. The implementation class of the action. A description of this action Defines whether this action should be adjudicated. This is ignored if the action is run as part of a pipeline. In that case, the pipeline adjudication property is honored. Optional setting to override the service that is acted on Optional setting to override the process-type that is acted on Properties used to initialize the action. Meanings of properties are action specific. A JMX action definition used for configuration of a managed instance. The name of this action. This must be unique across all actions The key of this action. This is referenced by constraint bindings and pipeline definitions. This must be unique across all actions, but may be the same as the name. A description of this action Defines whether this action should be adjudicated. This is ignored if the action is run as part of a pipeline. In that case, the pipeline adjudication property is honored. Properties used to initialize the action. Meanings of properties are action specific. This is a reference to a connectionInfoType which provides information required to establish the JMX client to connect to the managed instance. A set of JMX operations that will be executed on the managed instance when this action is run. A collection of action definitions used in this loc instance. A standard action A JMX action. These are used to configure managed instances. A user defined adjudicator. This is not used in V1 of LOC. the name of the adjudicator The implementation class of the adjudicator. An instance of this class is created to handle adjudication of actions and pipelines. The class must have a default constructor and must implement com.bea.adaptive.loc.controller.adjudication.api.AdjudicationHandler A description of the adjudicator A set of properties used to initialize the adjudicator instance. Properties are used in action and notification definitions. The name of the property A description of this property A class name that the property will be coerced to. By default, java.lang.String is used. The type must have a constructor that takes a single string argument. The value of this property will be passed to that constructor to create an instance of the property value. The property value. This may be coerced to a specific type at runtime. Properties are used in action and notification definitions. A property for an action or notification definition. Variables are used for substitutions in jvm definitions The name of the variable A description of this variable A scalar value. An array of values Variables are used in action and notification definitions. A variable for an action or notification definition. Used to define an array of values in a variable The value of an array element Defines a single file or directory copy The source file or directory The destination where the source file or directory will be copied to Defines copies to be made when an instance is being initialized. A single file or directory copy