Package com.bea.httppubsub

Interface Summary
AuthenticatedUser Representation interface for an authenticated user.
BayeuxMessage The BayeuxMessage is the representation of the Bayeux messages which is received by the pub/sub server from a client.
Channel Channel represents a pub/sub channel.
ChannelMessageListener Implementations of this interface are notified of messages sent to the channel.
Client Representation interface of a client.
ClientManager ClientManager is responsible for create Client and manage all Clients.
EventMessage Event message interface.
MessageFactory Factory interface for creating messages.
MessageFilter MessageFilter interface.
PubSubConfigFactory Factory interface for loading weblogic Pub/Sub server's configuration bean.
PubSubServer The PubSubServer class is the most important class of pub/sub server.
PubSubServerFactory Helper utilities for PubSubServer.
Transport Transport interface.

Class Summary
BayeuxMessage.TYPE The message type indicates the type of message.
Channel.ChannelPattern This enum provides constants of the three channel patterns that are described in section 2.2.1 Channel Globbing of Bayeux Protocol -- Bayeux 1.0draft1 .
ChannelMessageEvent This is the class representing event notifications for message sent to channel
Client.ConnectionType The connection type indicates the client's connection type: long-polling messages are sent to the server as the message parameter of an application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded POST request.
FactoryFinder FactoryFinder search PubSub server's factories implementation based on the factory interface name.
LocalClient The main purpose of LocalClient class is for pubsub server side programming.

Exception Summary
PubSubSecurityException PubSub security related exception.
PubSubServerException PubSub server exception.

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