Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) Logging API Web Application Variables

To enable Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) logging, you must enter the application name and change the settings in the web.xml (Java) or Web.config (.NET) file distributed with the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK). This page lists the applicable variables.

Setting Default Value Description
ptedk.LoggingApplicationName "" (No logging occurs if the application name is not set.)

OpenLog and Logging Spy use a text string (OpenLog: 'Application' / PTSpy: 'server') to identify a specific log channel to which log appenders can send messages, and from which log receivers can receive messages. To receive messages sent to an OpenLog channel, a listening application must be configured with the same application name used by the log-generating application.

To receive log messages from an existing Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) deployment in a web application, set values for the name and logging options according to the example in the web.xml or Web.config file. To receive log messages from a non-web application that uses the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) (for example, batch or utility processes using remote APIs), set the logging application name programmatically.

Use the value in the key ptedk.LoggingApplicationName to set a matching server name in the logging receiver.

Note: If the application is already using OpenLog and also using the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK), the code must not attempt to initialize OpenLog with a different application name

ptedk.LogToNetwork false (Logs to local machine only.)

Logging to the network is disabled by default. In this condition, log messages can only be received by OpenLog receiver processes on the local machine, including Logging Spy, the File Logger, or receivers using the OpenLog-Log4J Bridge.

Logging can be enabled by setting the value associated with ptedk.LogToNetwork to true in the web application configuration file. For non-web applications, you can enable network logging programmatically using the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK).

ptedk.VerboseLogging false (Does not log method parameters or return values unless requested.)

Verbose logging is disabled by default. Basic logging messages are still sent to the log receiver. The portlet API sends an Info log message with each new portlet context created (each portlet request). Any exceptions, errors, or requests for missing settings are logged as Error or Warning as appropriate.

If you enable verbose logging, additional messages and details are sent to the log receiver. The portlet API sends a Warning message informing the log reader that sensitive information may be logged in cleartext. With each portlet request, the portlet API sends a Debug message with a toString() of the PortletRequest object, containing request parameters and portlet settings; and a Debug message with a toString() of the PortletUser object, containing user settings.

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