Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Logic Adaptive Tag Library (pt:logic)

Logic tags handle basic logic, including creating data objects and collections, setting shared variables, evaluating expressions, and looping over a data collection.

The pt:logic tag library is a cross-platform tag library that can be used in both Oracle WebCenter Interaction and Oracle WebCenter Ensemble.
Note: Many logic tags have a pt:scope attribute. The valid scope values are: tag, portlet request, http request, session, persistent session, and application. The default is portlet request scope.

For a full list of tags and attributes, see the tagdocs.

Tag Function More Information Creates a data object (collection of name=value pairs) and stores it in a shared variable using the key supplied. Using Shared Variables in Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.concat Concatenates two values into one and sets the new value in a variable with a specified name. Using Shared Variables in Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.variable Stores a shared variable using the key and value supplied. Designed for use with attribute replacement or with the pt:logic.value tag. Using Shared Variables in Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.collection Creates a collection of data objects and stores it in a shared variable using the key supplied. Using Shared Variables in Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.collectionlength Evaluates the length of a collection and stores the result in memory. Using Shared Variables in Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.value Evaluates an attribute and displays the referenced value. Used as singleton only (does not display the contents of the tag). Using Shared Variables in Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.boolexpr Evaluates a boolean expression and stores the result as a boolean in memory. Designed to work with the pt:logic.if tag. Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.intexpr Evaluates an integer expression and stores the result as a boolean in memory. Designed to work with the pt:logic.if tag. Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.stringexpr Evaluates whether or not two strings are equal and stores the result as a boolean in memory. The case must match. Designed to work with the pt:logic.if tag. Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.containsexpr Checks if a collection contains a specific data element and sets a specified variable to true or false. Designed to work with the pt:logic.if tag. Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.if Evaluates an expression and displays either the pt:logic.iftrue or pt:logic.iffalse tag contents. Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic:iffalse Displayed if the surrounding pt:logic.if tag evaluates to false. Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic:iftrue Displayed if the surrounding pt:logic.if tag evaluates to true. Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.foreach Allows looping over a data collection. Supports tag and portlet request scope only. Looping Over Data Collections Using Adaptive Tags
pt:logic.separator Inserts a separator between the elements of a foreach loop. Looping Over Data Collections Using Adaptive Tags

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