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Inserting Pagelets into Non-Proxied Pages

You can also insert pagelets into non-proxied pages using a simple javascript function.

To activate this feature, add the following HTML snippet in the <HEAD> section of the page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://proxy:port/inject/v2/csapi">
This script injects all CSAPI and pagelet inject functions into the page to display the pagelet. One of the sections injected is the following function:
function injectpagelet(library, name, injectmethod, payload, arguments)
This function injects an Ensemble pagelet as a widget into the parent page. The method interface is as follows:
  • library: The library name of the pagelet to inject. This argument is a string that accepts spaces like 'library name'.
  • name: The name of the pagelet to inject. This argument is a string that accepts spaces like 'pagelet name'.
  • injectmethod: Specifies the manner of injecting the pagelet, if set to 'iframe', then an iframe is inserted where the call occurs, otherwise inline HTML will be used. If the inject method is specified as 'iframe', then a set of IFrame options can be sent along. These options control how the iframe will be displayed. The following iframe options are supported: width, height, frameborder, align, longdesc, marginheight, marginwidth, scrolling, stylem class. The parameters are given in the form of param=value. The separator between parameters are spaces. For example, 'iframe align=right frameborder=1 width=100% height=200 scrolling=yes class=myclass'.
  • payload: The XML payload to send along with the pagelet request
  • arguments: The pagelet arguments to send along with the pagelet request. Should be given in the form of: 'param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3'.
The script also creates a new <div> with a unique name that includes a reference to the injectpagelet function. Several examples are shown below:
	<script type="text/javascript">
		injectpagelet('library', 'name');
	<script type="text/javascript">
	injectpagelet('library', 'name', 'iframe', 'payload', 'param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3');
	<script type="text/javascript">
	injectpagelet('library', 'name', 'iframe width=100% height=200', 'payload');

To insert a pagelet into a proxied page, use the pt:inject tag; for details, see Inserting Pagelets Using Oracle WebCenter Ensemble Adaptive Tags.

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