Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Building Gatewayed URLs Using Adaptive Tags

To buildgatewayed links to remote pages, use the pt:standard.gatewaylink tag.

Using attributes, you can include references toassociated portal objects, usually a portlet or community. When the link is executed, the portal sends any preferences associated with the referenced object to the remote server. Accessing Oracle WebCenter Interaction Objects Using Adaptive Tags.
The pt:standard.gatewaylink tag supports the following attributes:
Attribute Value
pt:classid The portal object type. The default is portlet (43). The pt:standard.gatewaylink tag also supports cards (18), Content Sources (35), and Web Services (47).
pt:objectid The ID of the portal object referenced in the pt:classid attribute (e.g., the Portlet ID). To access the object ID, use the PRC. For details, see Querying Objects Using Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) Remote APIs.
pt:communityid The ID of the associated Community.
pt:pageid The ID of the associated page (can be positive or negative).
pt:href The URL to the remote page. If you pass in a relative URL, the portal will use the configuration settings for the referenced portal object to create the gatewayed URL.
The sample code below creates a link to a remote page associated with the portlet with ID 201. The arguments in the resulting URL tell the portal to send the preferences associated with the portlet to the remote server.
<pt:standard.gatewaylink class="myStyle" xmlns:pt=''
pt:objectid='201' pt:href="doStuff.aspx?ID=5">Click here</pt:standard.gatewaylink>
The code below creates a link to a page associated with the Web Service with ID 200, and also sends the community preferences from the community with ID 301 to the remote server.
Click here</pt:standard.gatewaylink>
You can also use the pt:standard.gatewayLink tag to gateway documents that have not been crawled or uploaded to the portal using the ID for the associated WWW Content Source, as shown in the sample code below.

You can also use the pt:common.url tag to transform URLs that should be gatewayed. For details, see Transforming URLs Using Adaptive Tags.

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