To buildgatewayed links to remote pages, use the pt:standard.gatewaylink tag.
Attribute | Value |
pt:classid | The portal object type. The default is portlet (43). The pt:standard.gatewaylink tag also supports cards (18), Content Sources (35), and Web Services (47). |
pt:objectid | The ID of the portal object referenced in the pt:classid attribute (e.g., the Portlet ID). To access the object ID, use the PRC. For details, see Querying Objects Using Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) Remote APIs. |
pt:communityid | The ID of the associated Community. |
pt:pageid | The ID of the associated page (can be positive or negative). |
pt:href | The URL to the remote page. If you pass in a relative URL, the portal will use the configuration settings for the referenced portal object to create the gatewayed URL. |
<pt:standard.gatewaylink class="myStyle" xmlns:pt='' pt:objectid='201' pt:href="doStuff.aspx?ID=5">Click here</pt:standard.gatewaylink>
<pt:standard.gatewaylinkpt:href="http://myRemoteServer/myTestPage.jsp"pt:objectid="200" pt:classid="47"pt:communityid="301"xmlns:pt=''/> Click here</pt:standard.gatewaylink>
<pt:standard.gatewaylinkpt:href="http://myRemoteServer/mydocs/WhitePaper2002.doc" pt:objectid="202"pt:classid="35"xmlns:pt=''/> WhitePaper2002</pt:standard.gatewaylink>
You can also use the pt:common.url tag to transform URLs that should be gatewayed. For details, see Transforming URLs Using Adaptive Tags.