Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Using Internationalized Strings in Adaptive Tags

Adaptive tag attribute value replacement allows you to display localized content based on the current user's portal locale.

Oracle WebCenter Interaction and Oracle WebCenter Ensemble store internationalized strings in localized string files with different files for each supported language. The portal knows the locale of the current user and retrieves strings from the correct language folder automatically. To internationalize a pagelet, move all strings into custom string files and translate them.
To display content in the pagelet, reference the strings using the value tag from the Logic tag library. Oracle WebCenter Interaction and Oracle WebCenter Ensemble know the locale of the current user and retrieve the string from the correct language folder automatically. For example, the HTML below retrieves the first string from a XML language file called my_message_file.xml.
<span xmlns:pt=''>
  <pt:logic.value pt:value="$#1.my_message_file"/>
For details on using shared variables, see Using Variables in Adaptive Tags.

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