Oracle WebCenter Interaction Administrator Guide

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About Customizing the User Interface with Adaptive Layouts

Adaptive layouts let you quickly change the look and feel of areas in the portal user interface using adaptive tags in standard XHTML. Adaptive layouts are displayed in the portal through remote portlet web services. Adaptive page layouts are applied at the experience definition level and affect the entire experience definition. Adaptive portlet layouts are applied at the My Page and community page level and affect only that page.

You can create different layouts for each area in the portal:
Layout Type Description
Base Page (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout of everything surrounding the content area, such as the header, footer, banner, and navigation.
Note: The base page layout applies to all areas of the portal except for profile pages.
Profile Page (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout of everything surrounding the content area in user profile pages, such as the header, footer, banner, and navigation.
Knowledge Directory (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout for the content area in the Knowledge Directory.
Search Results (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout for the content area in search results.
Portlet Selection (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout of the flyout editor used to select portlets on My Pages and community pages.
Login Page (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout for the content area on the Login page.
My Account Page (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout for the content area on My Account pages.
Error Page (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout for the content area on error pages.
Community Selection (adaptive page layout) Controls the layout of the flyout editor used to select communities on the Edit My Communities page.
Portlet Layout (adaptive portlet layout) Controls the column layout for the content area (where portlets are placed) and the look of portlets (the borders and portlet toolbar) in My Pages, profile pages, and community pages.
Note: As long as adaptive portlet layouts are enabled in the portal configuration file, adaptive portlet layouts can be used in any user interface, whether the interface uses adaptive page layouts or a legacy user interface.

The default adaptive page and portlet layout files are stored on the computer that hosts the Image Service in Install_Dir\ptimages\imageserver\plumtree\portal\private\pagelayouts\, where Install_Dir is the directory in which you installed the Image Service (for example, C:\bea\alui\ or /opt/bea/alui/). For information on creating adaptive layouts, see the Adaptive Page Layouts section of the Oracle WebCenter Interaction UI Customization Guide, which is located on the Oracle Technology Network at

The remote portlet web services that display adaptive layouts must be stored in the Page Layouts administrative folder, in the subfolder corresponding to the type of layout. For example, all the layouts stored in the Base Page Layouts subfolder are available in the Base Page Layouts drop-down list in the Experience Definition Editor. All the layouts stored in the Portlet Layouts subfolder are available in the drop-down list in the Select Page Layout dialog box when editing a My Page or community page.

When you create an experience definition that uses adaptive page layouts, you select an appropriate page layout for each area of the portal. When users create a My Page or community page, they select whether to display the adaptive portlet layout or a legacy user interface.

Note: If, for any reason, the page layouts cannot be loaded, the user interface will revert to the legacy user interface.

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