Oracle WebCenter Interaction Administrator Guide

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Portal Objects

The following table describes the portal objects you can create through the Create Object drop-down list in the Administrative Objects Directory.

Object Description
Administrative Folder Administrative folders provide a hierarchical structure that make it easy to organize portal objects and manage security.
Authentication Source - Remote Authentication sources enable you to import users, groups, and group memberships that are already defined in your enterprise in existing user repositories, such as Active Directory or LDAP servers. After users are imported, you can authenticate them with the credentials from those user repositories.
Community Communities are sites within a portal designed for a specific audience or task, such as collaborative projects.
Community Template Community templates define the basic structure for the resulting communities, such as which page templates to include and, optionally, a header or footer for the community.
Content Crawler - Remote Remote content crawlers enable you to import content from external content repositories such as a Windows NT file system, Documentum, Microsoft Exchange, or Lotus Notes.
Content Crawler - WWW Web content crawlers enable you to import content from web sites.
Content Source - Remote Remote content sources provide access to external content repositories, such as a Windows NT file system, Documentum, Microsoft Exchange, or Lotus Notes.
Content Source - WWW Web content sources provide access to web sites.
Content Type Content types specify several options — the source content format (such as Microsoft Office, web page, or Lotus Notes document), whether the text of the content should be indexed for searching, and how to populate values for document properties.
Experience Definition Experience definitions provide multiple user experiences within a single portal. An experience definition defines certain elements of a user experience, such as adaptive page layout settings, branding style, and navigation.
External Operation An external operation enables you to run shell scripts (for example, .sh or .bat files) through the portal and schedule these actions through portal jobs. For example, you might want to create a script that queries documents, pings portal servers, e-mails snapshot query results to users, or runs some other custom job, then create an external operation that points to the script, and use a job to run the script on a specified schedule.
Federated Search - Incoming An incoming federated search allows other Oracle WebCenter Interaction portals to search your portal.
Federated Search - Outgoing An outgoing federated search enables users of your portal to search other Oracle WebCenter Interaction portals or other external repositories.
Filter Filters control what content goes into which folder when crawling in documents or using Smart Sort to filter content into new folders. A filter sets conditions that document links must pass in order to be sorted into associated folders in the Knowledge Directory.
Group Groups are sets of users, sets of other groups, or both. Groups enable you to more easily control security because you assign each group different activity rights and access privileges.
Invitation Invitations allow you to direct potential users to your portal, making it easy for them to create their own user accounts and letting you customize their initial portal experiences with content that is of particular interest to them.
Job Jobs allow you to schedule portal management operations. A job is a collection of related operations. Each operation is one task, such as a crawl for documents, an import of users, or one of the system maintenance tasks.
Page (Only displays when in a community folder) Community pages let you categorize information for your community audience.
Page Template Page templates define the basic structure for the resulting community pages, such as the column layout and which portlets to include.
Portlet Portlets provide portal users customized tools and services as well as information. Portlets let you to integrate applications, tools, and services into your portal, while taking advantage of portal security, caching, and customization.
Portlet Bundle Portlet bundles are groups of related portlets, packaged together for easy inclusion on My Pages or community pages.
Portlet Template Portlet templates allow you to create multiple instances of a portlet, each displaying slightly different information.
Profile Source - Remote Profile sources allow you to import user information (such as name, address, or phone number) that is already defined in your enterprise in existing user repositories, such as Active Directory or LDAP servers. The imported user information can be used to populate user profiles or can be passed to content crawlers, remote portlets, or federated searches as user information.
Property Properties provide information about, as well as a way to search for, documents and objects in your portal. For example, you might want to create an Author property so users can find all the documents or objects created by a particular user.
Remote Server Remote servers group together web services that are installed on the same computer and require the same type of authentication. With a remote server, you enter the base URL and authentication settings just once for multiple web services, and, if you need to move the web services, you just need to change the remote server settings.
Snapshot Query Snapshot portlets enable you to display the results of a search in a portlet or e-mail the results to users. You can select which repositories to search (including Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration), and limit your search by language, object type, folder, property, and text conditions..
User Portal users enable you to authenticate the people who access your portal and assign appropriate security for the documents and objects in your portal. Users can be imported from external user repositories, created through the portal, created through invitations, self-registered, or just guests (unauthenticated users).
Web Service - Authentication

Authentication web services enable you to specify general settings for your external user repository, leaving the more detailed settings (like domain specification) to be set in the associated remote authentication sources. This allows you to create different authentication sources to import each domain without having to repeatedly specify all the settings.

Web Service - Content

Content web services enable you to specify general settings for your external user repository, leaving the target and security settings to be set in the associated remote content source and remote content crawler. This allows you to crawl multiple locations of the same content repository without having to repeatedly specify all the settings.

Web Service - Intrinsic Portlet Portlet web services allow you to specify functional settings for your portlets, leaving the display settings to be set in each associated portlet. An intrinsic portlet web service references one or more sets of code that are located on the portal computer.
Web Service - Profile

Profile web services enable you to specify general settings for your external user repository, leaving the more detailed settings (like domain specification) to be set in the associated remote profile sources. This allows you to create different profile sources to import information each domain without having to repeatedly specify all the settings.

Web Service - Remote Portlet Portlet web services allow you to specify functional settings for your portlets, leaving the display settings to be set in each associated portlet. A remote portlet web service references services hosted by a separate remote server.
Web Service - Search

Search web services allow you to specify general settings for your remote search repository, leaving the security settings to be set in the associated outgoing federated searches. This allows you to segregate access to your search repository through multiple outgoing federated searches.

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