Oracle WebCenter Interaction Administrator Guide

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Search Examples

The descriptions of searches below do not include any of the query expansion or ranking techniques that are employed in basic search. Except where otherwise noted, all matches are case-insensitive.

Query Expected Behavior
Dog Searches for documents containing any stem variant of Dog.
<WORD> Dog Searches for documents containing Dog as specified exactly with no stemming or lowercasing. This is the only case-sensitive form of search.
Big <PHRASE> Dog Searches for documents containing the exact phrase big dog without stemming.
“Big Dog” Same as Big <PHRASE> Dog.
cat AND dog Searches for documents containing stem variants of cat and dog. Equivalent to cat <AND> dog.
cat <ALL> dog Same as cat AND dog.
cat OR dog Searches for documents containing stem variants of cat or dog.
cat, dog Same as cat OR dog.
cat <ANY> dog Same as cat OR dog.
cat <ACCRUE> dog Same as cat OR dog.
cat NOT dog Searches for documents containing stem variants of cat but not containing stem variants of dog.
cat AND NOT dog Same as cat NOT dog.
cat NEAR dog Finds stem variants of cat occurring near dog (default is within 25 words).
cat NEAR/15 dog Finds stem variants of cat within 15 words of dog.
cat <ORDER><NEAR/15> dog Finds stem variants of cat within 15 words before dog. Can also use more convenient syntax cat <ORDER NEAR/15> dog.
cat <ORDER> dog Finds stem variants of cat anywhere before dog.
cat <SENTENCE> dog Finds stem variants of cat within 10 words of dog.
cat <PARAGRAPH> dog Finds stem variants of cat within 50 words of dog.
cat <XYZ> dog Finds stem variants of cat and dog. The unsupported operator XYZ is ignored.
cat* Finds all documents containing terms that start with cat, such as caterpillar.
*cat Finds all documents with terms that end in cat such as tomcat.
*cat* Finds all documents with terms that contain cat such as tomcats. Mid-string wildcard expressions must contain at least three characters (for example, *abc* is legal but *bc* is not).
dog * Finds documents containing stem variants of dog. The singleton wildcard is treated as stray punctuation.
dog cat bird Finds documents containing stem variants of all three terms, dog, cat, and bird. (Bag of Words mode)
big dog AND bird Finds documents containing the phrase big dog, and stem variants of the term bird. (Query Operators mode with implicit phrase construction)
dog cat +bird Finds documents containing stem variants of bird. The rank is boosted for documents containing stem variants of dog or cat. The words dog and cat are not joined into a phrase in Internet Style mode.
+dog -cat bird Finds documents that contain stem variants of dog but do not contain stem variants of cat, and ranks documents with both dog and bird highest.
bird -cat Finds documents that contain stem variants of bird but do not contain stem variants of cat.
bag-of-words Searches for documents containing stem variants of the three terms: bag, of, and words. Punctuation marks are treated as spaces when quotation marks are not present.
“Mr. Jones” Searches for the phrase mr. jones. Punctuation marks are considered part of the search string if they are included within quoted phrases.

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