Oracle WebCenter Interaction Administrator Guide

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Sending Invitations

To send an invitation, you generate a link to e-mail to recipients. Recipients who follow this link are prompted to create a new account in your portal and can then begin customizing their views of your portal and exploring its contents.

Before you send an invitation, you must:
  • Create the invitation.
To send an invitation you must have the following rights and privileges:
  • Access Administration activity right
  • At least Edit access to the invitation
You can create
  1. Click Administration.
  2. Open the folder in which the invitation is stored.
  3. Select the invitation and click Send Invitation. The Send Invitation page opens.
  4. If you have not already done so, create an invitation link. Click Create New Invitation Link. If you have already created an invitation link with the expiration settings you want to use, skip to Step 6.
  5. In the Create New Invitation Link dialog box, specify settings to prevent this link from being circulated and allowing unintended users access to secured content in your portal.
    1. In the Name box, type a name for this link that makes clear to you and other portal administrators what this link is for.
    2. In the Number of Invitations box, type the maximum number of users that can be created from this link.
    3. In the Expiration Date box, type the date after which this link displays an error and will not allow users to create a portal account. To choose the date from a calendar, click .
    4. To create the link, click Finish.
  6. To display the invitation link, click the link name.
  7. Copy and paste the invitation link into an e-mail, modify the message as desired, and send it to your invitees.
    Note: The only way to cancel an invitation is to delete the invitation, so be sure your invitation is correct before you e-mail it to anyone.

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