Oracle WebCenter Interaction Administrator Guide

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Formatting the Results of a Snapshot Query

You can define how your snapshot query results appear. By default, results are listed in order of relevance; that is, those results that most closely match your query are listed first. You can change the order in which results are displayed, limit the number of items returned, specify a style in which the snapshot portlet will be displayed, and e-mail results to users.

  1. If the Snapshot Query Editor is not already open, open it now and display the Format Snapshot Query Result page.
  2. In the Maximum items displayed field, type the number of items that should appear on a page.
  3. In the Order results by drop-down list, select the property type by which you want to sort results. For example, you can sort your search results by Content Type ID or Object Last Modified.
  4. To select the available fields for display on search results, under Query Return Fields, click Add Query Fields, select the fields you want to add, and click OK. The fields you add here can be selected in the administrative preferences of snapshot query portlets associated with this snapshot query. Selecting all or a subset of these fields in the administrative preferences of a particular snapshot query portlet determines what end users see in results appearing in that portlet.
  5. If you want the content snapshot portlet to appear with a subscribe button that enables users to receive e-mail about search results, selectEnable e-mail subscriptions.
    • You must configure an external operation to send e-mail notifications for this snapshot query. See E-mailing the Results of a Snapshot Query.
    • Users receive the e-mail only if their e-mail addresses are available in their user profiles.
Next, preview your results.

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