Oracle WebCenter Interaction Installation Guide for Unix and Linux

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Running the Unix Pre-Install Script

This topic describes how to use the pre-install script to create users and groups for Oracle WebCenter Interaction on Unix and Linux.

The script creates a user, a group and directories with permissions appropriate for a Oracle WebCenter Interaction installation on Unix. The script is interactive, asking you a series of questions about the values to be configured.
  1. Review the script.
  2. Log in as root to become superuser.
  3. Make a temporary directory for the files and allow all users to access these files by typing:

    # mkdir /tmp/plumtree

    # chmod 777 /tmp/plumtree

  4. Copy the preinstall file by typing:

    # cd /tmp/plumtree

    # cp /install_dir/scripts/ .

  5. Run the script by typing: # ./ Be sure to carefully review any output from the script .
  6. Change the password of the newly created user by typing: # passwd ali
  7. Enter the login password.
  8. Log out as superuser.

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