Oracle WebCenter Interaction Upgrade Guide for Unix and Linux

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About This Guide


Oracle Documentation and Resources

Installation Prerequisites

Software Requirements

User and Group Requirements

Running the Unix Pre-Install Script

Granting User and Group Access Rights to Oracle Inventory Directories

Oracle Environment Variables

Preparing WebLogic for Oracle WebCenter Interaction

Preparing Tomcat for Oracle WebCenter Interaction

Upgrading from AquaLogic Interaction 6.5 MP1 to Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3

Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3 Installer Wizard Pages on Unix and Linux

Running the 6.5 MP1 to 10.3 SQL Database Upgrade Script

Description of Changes to Configuration Files

Description of Changes in Adaptive Layout Files

Description of Changes to basepagelayout.html

Description of Changes to communityselectionlayout.html

Description of Changes to errorpagelayout.html

Description of Changes to loginpagelayout.html

Description of Changes to myaccountpagelayout.html

Description of Changes to portletdefaultlayout.html

Description of Changes to portletselectionlayout.html

Description of Changes to profilepagelayout.html

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