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Importing the Search Cluster Manager Migration Package

This topic describes how to import the Search Cluster Manager migration package.

Use the Migration - Import Utility (click Administration->Select Utility->Migration - Import) to import the SearchClusterAdminUI.pte file.
  • On Unix, SearchClusterAdminUI.pte is in install_dir/ptsearchserver/10.3.0/serverpackages/
  • On Windows, SearchClusterAdminUI.pte is in install_dir\ptsearchserver\10.3.0\serverpackages\

If necessary, adjust any import settings.

For details on using the Migration - Import utility, see the online help or Administrator Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

Note: You might need to log out and back in to the portal in order to see the Search Cluster Manager. It appears in the Select Utility menu.

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