Plumtree PEIs  

IBannerSearchActions.CustomizeQueryOnBeforeSearch Method 

This function allows for the modification of the query portion of a banner search. Implementers of this interface should modify the QueryArguments object that is passed in to change the search that will be run.

void CustomizeQueryOnBeforeSearch(
   AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
   IPTSession _ptUserSession,
   QueryArguments _qaQueryInfo


- Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
- Plumtree session object for the current user
- On entry, this structure will contain: userQuery (String): String that the user typed into the search box basicFields (String): null advancedFilter (IPTFilter): null

See Also

IBannerSearchActions Interface | com.plumtree.portalpages.pei Namespace