Plumtree PEIs  

IMyPortalPageActions.OnBeforeEditMyPortalPage Method 

This function will perform some validation based on the page name and page type when a user tries to edit a page.

NOTE: The int item of the MyPortalPageArguments needs to be a valid PageTypeConstant or there will be errors when processed.

NOTE: The String item of the MyPortalPageArguments needs to be non-null and with a length greater than 0 but less than or equal to 20. Otherwise the original _strPageName will superscede this value.

MyPortalPageArguments OnBeforeEditMyPortalPage(
   AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
   IPTSession _ptUserSession,
   string _strPageName,
   int _nPageTypeID


- Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
- Plumtree session object for the current user
- Name that the user is trying to assign to this MyPortal Page.
- Page Type that the user wants to use for the MyPortal page.

Return Value

MyPortalPageArguments - This object will contain a String pertaining to the modified name being returned and a int pertaining to the modified page layout.

See Also

IMyPortalPageActions Interface | com.plumtree.portalpages.pei Namespace