Plumtree PEIs  

com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.pei Namespace

PEI Documentation

Namespace hierarchy


Interface Description
IDisplayJavascriptActions This class has been created to allow developers the ability to add some Javascript functionality to the script section on many main pages, such as Plumtree banner pages and editor pages. Other pages may not get this javascript displayed on them.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.
ILoginActions This interface was created to allow developers the ability to create functions that can be dynamically discovered by the Plumtree application for the purposes of performing some functionality when a particular login based event occurs.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.

NOTE: In the case where a Redirect object is returned, the first implementation of the interface that actually returns a valid Redirect will be the one that will be processed.

NOTE: In the case where multiple implementations return a String object, all the valid Strings (not null and not empty) will be appended together (separated by a blank space) and the final String will be the error message displayed on the page.

NOTE: To return a Redirect object on a failed login event, implement the ILoginActions2 interface instead in your LoginActions PEI, and use the OnFailedLoginDoRedirect method. PEIs implementing the ILoginActions2 interface are loaded exactly the same as PEIs implementing the ILoginActions interface.
ILoginActions2 This interface was created to allow developers the ability to create functions that can be dynamically discovered by the Plumtree application for the purposes of performing some functionality when a particular login based event occurs.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.

NOTE: In the case where a Redirect object is returned, the first implementation of the interface that actually returns a valid Redirect will be the one that will be processed.

NOTE: To return an error message on a failed login event, use the OnFailedLogin method in the ILoginActions interface instead.

NOTE: PEIs implementing the ILoginActions2 interface are loaded exactly the same as PEIs implementing the ILoginActions interface.
IOpenerActions This interface was created to allow developers the ability to create functions that can be dynamically discovered by the Plumtree application for the purposes of performing some functionality when a particular object creation or modification based event occurs.

IPageActions This class has been created to allow developers the ability to add some functionality to the beginning and end of any and every page that is displayed within the Plumtree Portal. The amount of functionality that is available is going to be and should be extremely limited as this could affect performance a great deal.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.

NOTE: These functions will primarily be implemented within the cases of a MyPortal Page, Community Page, Directory Page, and Login Page. As these pages all include Gateway requests, we will not be worrying about Gateway requests, just the outer containers request.

NOTE: All information needed to use as a key for timestamps should be available from the Server Name and Activity Space, such as User ID, Activity Space Name, current Display Page Name and so on. There is also a possibility that the _oUserSession passed in to OnPageStart() and OnPageFinish() will be different (such as when you click finish after editing the mypage layout - the request will start in the edit layout space, but finish in the myPage space).