Plumtree Tags API  

ATag.DisplaySharedJavascript Method 

This method is used to display JavaScript that only needs to included on a page once, regardless of how many times a particular tag is used on that page (such as including JavaScript files).

Tags that need to include javascript once per page should override this method and include the javascript here.

This method is called automatically by the framework and does not need to be called in the DisplayTag() method.

This method will not be called in Section 508 compliance mode, as 508 screen readers do not allow JavaScript.

If there are errors in the tag and the JavaScript cannot be displayed properly, the tag should throw an XPException with the error message, and the tag framework will log the error and add the message and stack trace to the HTML as an HTML comment. The message contents will be HTML encoded before being added to the comment.

Default Tag Method
public virtual HTMLScriptCollection DisplaySharedJavascript();

Return Value

HTMLScriptCollection The JavaScript to be displayed. May be null.

See Also

ATag Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace