Plumtree Tags API  

ATag.DisplayTag Method 

This is the main display method of the Tag. This method is responsible for displaying all of the tag specific HTML, as well as displaying the inner HTML of the tag.

E.G. <pt:thistag><span><pt:innertag/></span></pt:thistag> This method is responsible for displaying the thistag UI and displaying the inner HTML (<span><pt:innertag/></span>) by calling ProcessTagBody and including the results in the HTMLElement returned by this method.

This method is also responsible for displaying any instances of JavaScript need by this tag through the AddJavascript method. The DisplaySharedJavascript method will be called automatically by the framework and does not need to be called by this method.

If there are errors in the tag and it cannot be displayed properly, the tag should throw an XPException with the error message, and the tag framework will log the error and add the message and stack trace to the HTML as an HTML comment. The message contents will be HTML encoded before being added to the comment.

Abstract Tag Method
public abstract HTMLElement DisplayTag();

Return Value

HTMLElement The result of displaying this Tag and all the HTML and Transformer Tags within it. May be null.

See Also

ATag Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace