Plumtree Tags API  

ATag.GetXMLTagAttribute Method 

This method gets the value of the requested non-pt attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would get the width attribute, but not the ptattr attribute.

XML attributes are designed to let a web designer specify standard HTML attributes for a tag without the tag author having to handle them individually. PT attributes specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

This is only appropriate for tags that output a simple HTML tag.

This method does not handle default attribute values.

XML Tag Attribute Method
public virtual string GetXMLTagAttribute(
   string _strAttribute


The requested attribute name

Return Value

The value of the requested attribute, or null if it is not present in the tag. The empty string can be returned for various reasons, including if there was an error processing the attribute.

See Also

ATag Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace