Plumtree Tags API  

ATag.GetXMLTagAttributesAsString Method 

Calculates a string containing all of the non-pt attributes that can be inserted inside an XML tag to add all of the attributes to the tag.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10" length="20"/> would return the following string: width="10" length="20"

XML attributes are designed to let a web designer specify standard HTML attributes for a tag without the tag author having to handle them individually. PT attributes specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

XML Tag Attribute Method

This is only appropriate for tags that output a simple HTML tag.
public virtual string GetXMLTagAttributesAsString();

Return Value

String All of the non-pt attributes of this tag.

See Also

ATag Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace