Plumtree Tags API  

ATag.HasChildTag Method 

Check whether or not a particular Transformer Tag is nested inside the current Tag. The child tag must be in the same library as the current tag.

E.G. <pt:thistag><span><pt:firstchildtag><pt:subsubchildtag/></pt:firstchildtag> <pt:secondchildtag/><span></pt:thistag> would return true for "firstchildtag", "secondchildtag", and "subsubchildtag", but not "span", since it is an HTML Tag, not a Transformer Tag.

Tag Utility Method
public virtual bool HasChildTag(
   ITagMetaData _childTag



Return Value

boolean True implies that the child tag was found.

See Also

ATag Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace