Plumtree Tags API  

ATag.HasXMLTagAttribute Method 

Check to see whether or not a specified non-pt attribute is present in the HTML for this tag. This will always return true for required tags.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would return true for the width attribute, but not for the ptattr attribute.

XML attributes are designed to let a web designer specify standard HTML attributes for a tag without the tag author having to handle them individually. PT attributes specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

This is only appropriate for tags that output a simple HTML tag.

Note: Even though the tag may be present, it may produce an error when trying to process the tag.

XML Tag Attribute Method
public virtual bool HasXMLTagAttribute(
   string _strAttribute



Return Value

boolean True if the attribute is present in the HTML

See Also

ATag Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace