Plumtree Tags API  


Persistent Session Scope

This scope is not cleared of its data on user logout, so be sure not to cache anything on this scope that could be considered a security risk if it was leaked to another user. In practice, however, since HTTP sessions are abandoned on portal logout, this Scope behaves almost exactly the same as the normal Session Scope.

If the browser session times out, a new browser is opened, or the HTTP session is abandoned, this information will not be maintained.

NOTE: Clicking logout on the portal will automatically abandon this session. The only time when sessions are not abandoned is for internal session changes (E.G. Editing the default profile or multiple guest user customizations).

Most developers should use the Session Scope for HTTP Session data storage.

Duration: The HTTP session (over multiple logins, but not over session timeouts or session abandonment).
Visibility: All tags for this user / HTTP Session (unless a user is logged in multiple times with different HTTP Sessions).
public static readonly Scope PERSISTENT_SESSION;

See Also

Scope Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace