Plumtree Tags API  

RequiredChildTag Constructor 

Creates a new required child tag meta data object.

Tag classes need to have one public static final RequiredChildTag member variable for every child tag that this tag requires.

If this child tag is required to be present every time the main tag is used, and the child tag is not present, an error will be logged and the tag and its children will be skipped and not displayed. An HTML Comment describing the tag and error will be displayed instead.

E.G. If parenttag requires childtag to be present, then
will work, but
will not work, because childtag is required to be inside of parenttag.
public RequiredChildTag(
   ITagMetaData _TagData


The related child tag data

See Also

RequiredChildTag Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags.metadata Namespace