Plumtree Tags API  

IEnvironment Methods

The methods of the IEnvironment interface are listed below. For a complete list of IEnvironment interface members, see the IEnvironment Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

GetAccessStyle This method returns the current access style (i.e. Section 508 compliance, low bandwidth, or standard).
GetCurrentHTTPRequest Return the HTTP Request for the current request.
GetCurrentHTTPResponse Return the HTTP Response for the current request.
GetCurrentNormalizedBaseURL Return the normalized base url of the current request. The normalized base url is essentially the request url up to and including the '?'.
GetCurrentRequestURL Return the full url of the current request.
GetLanguage Gets the current language of the user. E.G. en, fr, jp
GetLocale Gets the current locale of the user. E.G. en-us, en-gb, fr-fr, jp-jp
GetString This method gets localized strings for an internationalized string file based on the user's locale. Available string files:
GetTimeZone Gets the time zone of the current user. E.G. America/Los_Angeles
GetUserSession Return the user's Session. This is a generic Object that can be used for different kinds of sessions. This will have to be cast to the correct type of session (IPTSession for the portal).
GetVarPack This method gets Variable Packages.

See Also

IEnvironment Interface | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.uitasks Namespace