Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

ASURL Members

ASURL overview

Public Static Methods

CreateFromURLContainer Creates an ASURL from an ASURLContainer. The ASURL is set to SetLinkGetSpaceIfCached, i.e. try to find the activityspace in the cache, create a new AS if it doesn't exist.
CreateFromURLContainerNew Creates an ASURL from an ASURLContainer. The ASURL is set to SetLinkCreateNewSpace, i.e. always create a new AS.

Public Instance Constructors

ASURL Constructor Creates a new ASURL object.

Public Instance Methods

AddControlArgumentOverloaded. This method allows you to add a control argument to the HTML URL.
AddInnerHTMLElement NOTE: If you only pass in an image with an alt tag, and no link label, you need to call the SetLinkTitle method with the alt string. Netscape 7 does not display alt tags for images inside an anchor so you would need to use the anchor's title tag. Calling AddInnerHTMLString
AddInnerHTMLEncodedString This adds an HTMLEncoded string. This method should not be used for localized strings, as should not need to be encoded.
AddInnerHTMLString This adds a non-HTMLEncoded string. This method should be used for localized strings, as they should be safe.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetURLAsHTMLElement Create an HTML element from this url
GetURLAsString return the string that represents this url
IsSubSpace Sets the member variable m_bIsSubSpace to true (i.e. this ASURL is creating a link to a sub space). There is one special case with TreeAS when we need to manually tell ASURL that we are going to a sub space. This is when we create a link to a cached tree before the tree has actually been cached (happens in SelectPTObject for example). Otherwise it won't work in security mode 1, see bug 26851. In all other cases, ASURL will be able to determine dynamically if the link is going to a sub space or not.
SetControl Set the control to use in this url
SetDisplayPage Set the display page to be used in this url
SetImgBaseUrl This method allows you to set the image base url on the resulting HTMLElement. This should only be used if you are using the element outside of the context of an HTMLPage. NOTE This should probably be removed, since you can just get the URL as an element and set it there.
SetLinkCreateNewSpace This method creates a brand new AActivitySpace.
SetLinkGetCachedSpace This constructor takes a specific space and returns a link to that (including space ID)
SetLinkGetSpaceIfCached This method gets a named AActivitySpace from the cache if it is there, or creates a new one if it is not in the cache. This method should be used to get common AActivitySpaces such as MyPage and Community, not minor spaces like Tree and Editors. The SetSpaceGetCached(AActivitySpace) should be used instead of this one when you can.
SetLinkTitle Set the title of the html anchor. AddInnerHTMLString and AddInnerHTMLEncodeString will autoamitcally set the title of the anchor to the link label. Use this method to change this or pass in null to remove the title.
SetLinkToExternalURL HACK: Sets a full URL. ASURL shouldn't need this but this method is needed so that we don't have to rip up too much existing code to facilitate friendly URLs
SetNoLinkLabelString NOTE: This method is not for setting the display text of an anchor! Use SetLabelString to set the display text. This is used when the ASURL is used to only output a text label, i.e not a link.
SetSubSpaceKey This method sets the sub space key. If this is not called, or is empty, the space will not be a sub-space. Otherwise it will be. The sub-space key is different from the space ID.
SetUseMainServerURL Sets whether or not to use the main server URL.
SetXMLEncoding Sets the URL to use the XML encoded ampersands rather than normal HTML ones (for WML devices)
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

ASURL Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace Namespace