Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

IModel Interface

Models encapsulate the data in the MVC framework. Views have access to the read only model interface and should only read data from it. Controls get and set data, and therefore use the base IModel interface. Models should encapsulate the data handling of the AActivitySpace. Temporary UI data that you want to store for each user should go here. As an MVC component, Models are subject to the strict separation between data, logic, and presentation. It is a requirement that Models not reference HTMLElements or HTMLConstructs. Models can return text Strings for display in HTML, but they are not allowed to use HTML themselves. It is also a requirement that Models not return server structures to Views. For instance, rather than returning an IPTQueryResult to a View, the model should provide accessor methods to it. Views can use server constants such as PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_NAME. Obviously, there should be a good way to refer to models without having to manually type in a text string. There should be some sort of package identifier used to get these. When writing a model class, the Get methods (read-only methods) should be split out into an IMyModelRO interface, which MyModel then implements. MyModel would also include all of the Set methods (write methods) and any helper methods. There does not need to be an IMyModel interface for the Set methods, unless you are expecting someone to implement their own version of your model.

For a list of all members of this type, see IModel Members.


public interface IModel : IModelRO, IMVCObject, IManagedObject

Types that implement IModel

Type Description
AClearModel This model is designed to have all of it's data stored in a temporary data storage object. This object will be automatically deleted at the end of every HTTP Request and regenerated at the beginning of the next request. This is for browsing pages that have low-memory requirements. This means that data will only be stored during requests. Admin and Editor pages should probably not use this model scheme. All data should go on the temporary storage object, especially Query Results and large arrays. The design of the temporary data object is left to the implementor's discretion.
EditorHelperModel This class is a helper class for the EditorModel. This is NOT a real EditorModel or RepostModel. The saveSection method will have to be called by the main EditorModel class of the Editor. This class can be used to implement common or plug-in sections and can also be used as a secondary Model class if the main one is getting too big and you want to split the code into multiple classes.
EditorModel This is the Model class for the Editor Framework. Model classes should extend this class.
AErrorModel This is an abstract model extended by various concrete error model.
ExpListModel This class contains the state of the Expandable List. The data contained in that Model are printed out by the associated View: ExpListView. The repost actions will be handled by the ExpListControl class. That class extends the Editor Framework plug-in section classes so it can be added to any Editor page pretty easily. (see template 7) The Expandable List Framework is abstract and has to be extended in order to be used. Note that the Expandable List uses the Array Wrapper Framework to actually store the data and facilitate the implementation of the sorting requirements.
GrowableListModel This is the implementation of the Expandable List framework for the Growable Array. The Growable Array is a list of input texts. On add, a new input text populated with the default value will be added at the bottom of the list.
MultiColumnListModel This is the implementation of the Expandable List framework for the Growable Array. The Growable Array is a list of input texts. On add, a new input text populated with the default value will be added at the bottom of the list.
SortedMultiColumnListModel This model allows you to use a sorted multi column list.
SortedMetaDataListModel This list model allows you to sort by meta data, rather than the actual HTML displayed, allowing you to add images and descriptions to row entries without affecting sort order. This list is currently read only.
TipsModel This is an abstract model extended by various concrete error model.
ATreeModel This model handles generating a tree for admin objects.


Namespace: com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace

Assembly: uiinfrastructure (in uiinfrastructure.dll)

See Also

IModel Members | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace Namespace