Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.application.varpacks Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
ConfigConstants This class contains constants for the x_config.xml file.
ConfigVarPack This varpack contains the base application data. This is read from the base x_config.xml file.
DevicesVarPack This var pack handles all of the different devices and markup formats that we support.
SecureASVarPack This VarPack is used to store the list of secure ASs. The list is loaded by the WarmUp Servlet from SecureActivitySpaces.xml. In Security Mode 1, Activity Spaces in this list will be automatically redirected to https.
URLASMappingsVarPack This VarPack is used to determine which Activity Space to go to if the space is not on the URL, based on what parameters are available on the URL.
XMLBaseVarPack This class is designed to read in Name/Value pairs for an xml file and store them in a hashtable for easy lookup. The XML file is assumed to have a single root node with multiple section nodes underneath it. The section nodes contain multiple Name/Value pair nodes where the name of the node is the name and the value attribute is the value (i.e. ). These will be read into an internal hashtable and will be accessible by calling VarPack.GetValue("SectionNameNodeName"). For example, if there is a section called "Timeouts" and a Node in that section that looks like this: that value should be retrieved by calling VarPack.GetValueAsInt("Timeout", "DocumentTimeout"), which returns an int. You can also use VarPack.GetValue("TimeoutDocumentTimeout") which will return an Object, but that is not the preferred method.