Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

AApprovalModel Members

AApprovalModel overview

Public Instance Constructors

AApprovalModel Constructor Initializes a new instance of the AApprovalModel class.

Public Instance Fields

m_asOwner (inherited from EditorModel) Associated Activity Space

Public Instance Methods

Cancel (inherited from EditorModel) Implement some code to execute when the user clicks on "Cancel".
CheckEditorAccessAndStart (inherited from EditorModel) Implements some actions to perform on start. Use the Editor Type if needed.
CleanupAllData (inherited from EditorModel) 
Create (inherited from EditorModel) This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.
DoTaskAfterStore (inherited from EditorModel) That method contains the code that should be executed just after the object has been stored in the DB.
DoTaskBeforeStore (inherited from EditorModel) That method contains the code that should be executed just before the object is stored in the DB.
DoTaskOnChangePage (inherited from EditorModel) This method can be implemented by classes extending this one. It will be executed each time the user changes page on the left navigation menu.
DoTaskOnComeBackFromSubEditor (inherited from EditorModel) This method will be called when you come back to the main Editor from a sub Editor.
DoTaskOnStartEditor (inherited from EditorModel) That method contains the code that should be executed just after the object has been initialized when the new editor is started.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
Finish (inherited from EditorModel) Implement some code to execute when the user clicks on "Finish".
GetCloseOnDone (inherited from EditorModel) Returns the CloseOnDone flag.
GetCurrentPageIndex Call this method to obtain the index of the page being viewed for the given ApprovalItemType

GetCurrentRepostAction (inherited from EditorModel) Returns the current value of the repost action.
GetCurrentType Call this method to obtain the ApprovalItemType currently being viewed.

GetDefaultItemType Call this method to determine the default ApprovalItemType displayed by the view.

GetDeleteOnCancel (inherited from EditorModel) Returns the DeleteOnCancel flag. For sub Editors only: this flag will determine if the Editor should be deleted from the list of sub Editors on cancel.
GetDisplayInstances Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return a boolean value indicating whether instance information is displayed for the specified type.

The DocumentApprovalModel class for example, returns true. This is because each document, being an item, consists of one or more copies existing in various portal folders, or INSTANCES. The ObjectApprovalModel, however, return false for this method.

GetDisplayTypeHeader Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return a boolean indicating whether or not a header banner should be displayed for the specified type.

GetEditorType (inherited from EditorModel) Returns the Editor Type (see EditorStartControl for constant names).
GetEmptyTypeSectionSubTitle Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return a string that is displayed in sections containg no items awaiting approval.

GetEnableApplyButton (inherited from EditorModel) Returns true if the apply button should be displayed.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetHideLeftNav (inherited from EditorModel) Returns the DeleteOnCancel flag. For sub Editors only: this flag will determine if the Editor should be deleted from the list of sub Editors on cancel.
GetHighItemIndexForCurrentPage Call this method to obtain the index of the last item on the current page for a specific ApprovalItemType.

GetIsEditorReadOnly (inherited from EditorModel) Returns true if the current user only has read access to this Editor. (can be true in Edit mode only)
GetItemDescriptor Call this method to obtain a specific AItemDescriptor object.

If this ItemDescriptor is not in the internal cache, the server will not be contacted.
GetItemDescriptors Call this method to obtain an enumeration of AItemDescriptor objects.

Included AItemDescriptor objects will be those object existing on the currently viewed page of item descriptors.

GetLowItemIndexForCurrentPage Call this method to obtain the index of the first item on the current page for a specific ApprovalItemType.

GetName Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return the name of the model.

GetPageSize Get the size of a page. This is the maximum number of items awaiting approval displayed.
GetRedirectAfterFinish (inherited from EditorModel) Returns the Redirect object (this is were we need to go at the end of the Editor). By default this is going to the previous AS (the one that opened this one). But Editors can override that method if they need to redirect somewhere else.
GetSubTitle Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return the subtitle. This string is displayed in a banner at the top of the view.
GetSupportedItemTypes Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return an XPArrayList of those ItemTypes that are supporeted by the model.

GetTitle Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return the title. This string is displayed in a banner at the top of the view.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetTypeCount Call this method to obtain the count of items awaiting approval of the specified type.

GetUserHasAccessToEditor (inherited from EditorModel) Returns true if the current user has access to this Editor. (If false the user will be redirected.)
Init (inherited from EditorModel) Inits the Model with the Activity Space.
InternalGetItemDescriptors Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return an XPArrayList of AItemDescriptor objects.

InternalGetTypeCount Concrete subclasses must implement this method to return the count of specified ApprovalItemType. This is the total number of object of the specified type, visible to the current user, awaiting approval.

IsNextPageAvailable Call this method to determine if there is another page of items of a given type.
IsPreviousPageAvailable Call this method to determine if there is a previous page of items of a given type.
NextPage Call this method to move the view to the next page of items of the specified type. If there is no next page available, calling this method will do nothing.
PreviousPage Call this method to move the view to the previous page of items of the specified type. If there is no previous page available, calling this method will do nothing.
SavePage (inherited from EditorModel) Calls the right save function according to the page name passed in argument.
SetCloseOnDone (inherited from EditorModel) To tell the framework to close the window on finish or cancel.
SetCurrentPageIndex Call this method to set the index of the page being viewed of the given ApprovalItemType.

If the index passed is not within the valid range, then GetLowItemIndexForCurrentPage() and GetHighItemIndexForCurrentPage() will return correct values for either the first or last valid page.

SetCurrentType Call this method to set the type currently being viewed. Only one type of item may be viewed at a given time. This is intended to reduce stress on the portal server.

SetDeleteOnCancel (inherited from EditorModel) Sets the DeleteOnCancel flag. For sub Editors only: this flag will determine if the Editor should be deleted from the list of sub Editors on cancel.
SetEditorType (inherited from EditorModel) Sets the Editor Type. (see EditorStartControl for constant names)
SetEnableApplyButton (inherited from EditorModel) Enables or disables the apply button next to the finish button.
SetHideLeftNav (inherited from EditorModel) Sets the m_bHideLeftNav flag. If this flag is set to true, the left navigation will not be displayed.
SetPageHighIndex set the size of a page. This is the maximum number of items awaiting approval displayed.
SetPageLowIndex set the low item index of a page. This is the index of the first item to be displayed on a page.
SetPageStatus (inherited from EditorModel) Sets a new Page status.
SetUserHasAccessToEditor (inherited from EditorModel) Sets a new value for the m_bUserHasAccessToEditor flag.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Fields

m_bCloseOnDone (inherited from EditorModel) JF- If this is true, the framework will close the window on finish and cancel.
m_bDeleteOnCancel (inherited from EditorModel) JF- This is for sub editors. The first time we access the Editor, if the user clicks on cancel, we want to delete it from the sub Editor list.
m_bEnableApplyButton (inherited from EditorModel) JF- The Apply button next to the finish button is optional
m_bHideLeftNav (inherited from EditorModel) JF- This is to hide the left navigation
m_bIsEditorReadOnly (inherited from EditorModel) JF- If the user only has read access to the Editor.
m_bUserHasAccessToEditor (inherited from EditorModel) JF- Is true if the current user has access to this Editor.
m_nEditorType (inherited from EditorModel) JF- This is the Editor type. Constants for that variable are in EditorStartControl. This is mainly to know if it's create or edit mode.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

AApprovalModel Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.approval Namespace