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PTSortedArrayWrapper Members

PTSortedArrayWrapper overview

Public Static Fields

PTSAW_NEWITEMSINFO_INDEX JF- This is used by the SetItems method. The new items info (row index, prop ID and new cell value) is a 2D array. PTSAW_NEWITEMSINFO_INDEX identifies the column in the array that stores the row index of the cell to modify.
PTSAW_NEWITEMSINFO_NEWVALUE JF- This is used by the SetItems method. The new items info (row index, prop ID and new cell value) is a 2D array. PTSAW_NEWITEMSINFO_NEWVALUE identifies the column in the array that stores the new cell value.
PTSAW_NEWITEMSINFO_PROPERTYID JF- This is used by the SetItems method. The new items info (row index, prop ID and new cell value) is a 2D array. PTSAW_NEWITEMSINFO_COLUMNID identifies the column in the array that stores the column of the cell to modify.
PTSAW_SORT_ASCENDING MES- PTSAW_SORT_ASCENDING indicates that a column is sorted ascending
PTSAW_SORT_DESCENDING MES- PTSAW_SORT_DESCENDING indicates that a column is sorted descending
PTSAW_SORT_ROW_DIRECTION MES- Sort direction is indicated via a 2D array. PTSAW_SORT_ROW_DIRECTION identifies the row in the array that stores the sort direction, which should store PTSAW_SORT_ASCENDING or PTSAW_SORT_DESCENDING.
PTSAW_SORT_ROW_PROPID MES- Sort direction is indicated via a 2D array. PTSAW_SORT_ROW_PROPID identifies the row in the array that stores the Property ID to sort by.

Public Instance Constructors

PTSortedArrayWrapper Constructor Initializes a new instance of the PTSortedArrayWrapper class.

Public Instance Methods

ContainsPropID MES- ContainsPropID is used by clients to see if a given Property is represented by a column in the data.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetCount MES- GetCount returns the number of rows in our data set
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetItem MES- GetItem is used by clients to retrieve data from the array
GetSort MES- GetSort returns the current sort array
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
Initialize MES- Initialize sets up this object with the data it needs to return items, as well as to perform sorts, etc.
SetItem JF- SetItem is used by clients modify one cell in the array.
SetItems JF- SetItems is used by clients modify a number of cells in the array.
Sort MES- Sort is used by clients to resort the internal data according to new criteria.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Fields

m_arrData MES- m_arrData stores the actual data
m_arrSort MES- m_arrSort stores the current sort we're displaying
m_bSortOptimized MES- When the data is correctly sorted according to m_arrSort, we can skip the step of dereferencing rows through m_lstRowMapping. m_bSortOptimized holds a boolean to indicate if we can skip the dereferencing.
m_hashPropIDtoColumn MES- m_hashPropIDtoColumn stores a map of Property ID to the column that contains data for that property. Note that the map points to the actual column object.
m_lstRowMapping MES- m_lstRowMapping holds the row numbers. When we do a sort, we rearrange the items in m_lstRowMapping, but we do NOT rearrange the data itself. This layer of indirection lets us resort easily and relatively cheaply.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MapColumnIDs MES- MapColumnIDs is an internal function that sets up the m_hashPropIDtoColumn mapping based on an array of ColumnIDs
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
SortInternal MES- SortInternal is an internal helper function that actually performs the sort based on m_arrSort.

See Also

PTSortedArrayWrapper Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.arraywrapper Namespace