Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

DiagnosticRunner Class

This class connects to uiinfrastructure's appwarmup via a notification interface and factory that allows us to "listen in" on the warmup cycle, receiving detailed notifications on not only the individual tasks status, but the steps within each task. This allows for extremely detailed diagnostics of potential startup problems. Execute the following tests: 1. Check for bad database hostname+port, or database type+username+password combo. Tricky to even get that level of detail but I do have it. 2. Check for bad PT_HOME environment variable, or bad pthome.xml file, or bad directory structure under the application home 3. Check for bad or missing settings files, with feedback on the specific file. This happens sometimes when customers edit their XML. 4. Check for bad or missing dynamic discovery files (badly formed XML). 5. Check for a bad class in one of the dynamically discovered JAR or DLL files, or a situation where the JAR/DLL is in the lib directory but not in the war/webhome directory (dynamic discovery, as implemented, requires two copies of the same file in different places). 6. Check for bad language files. 7. Check for bad imageserver settings for HTTP connectivity, or missing resources on that imageserver (this test is inherently somewhat limited, see "diagnostic page"). 8. Checking the values in the main portal settings file for validity. These tests include: a. do the http settings have valid http url's? b. do the URL rewrite rules make sense / form valid HTTP urls under normal practice? c. do the security mode settings and URL mapping settings make sense? (Note: very difficult) d. based on security settings and URL rewrites, is the IsInvitationURLSecure setting right? e. does the webhome point to a valid directory and allow referencing of a valid file? f. is adminsitebaseurl an absolute or relative url? (must be absolute) g. are the http port and secureport valid and functional? 9. Check version information. Is the database the right version? If not, how should it be corrected? Print out version information on the UI as well (it's not possible to "verify" these values, but printing them helps support). 10. Check the JDK / .NET SDK version compatibility 11. Check all the config varpacks for validity, including custom varpacks 12. Verify the automation server varpack: connect top the host and port 13. Verify the gateway and search directory settings and check for file validity 14. Verify the search locales loading sequence 15. Verify the document types loading sequence

For a list of all members of this type, see DiagnosticRunner Members.


public class DiagnosticRunner : IStartupNotification

Thread Safety

Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.


Namespace: com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.diagnostic

Assembly: uiinfrastructure (in uiinfrastructure.dll)

See Also

DiagnosticRunner Members | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.diagnostic Namespace