Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

EditorAS Members

EditorAS overview

Public Instance Fields

m_strModelMVCName DH- The actual MVC name of the model to use if we're going to be storing it with a different name.
m_strModelName JF- Associated model name.

Public Instance Methods

ChangeSubSpaceKey (inherited from AActivitySpace) Changes the key of a sub space.
CleanupAllData (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is called when an ActivitySpace is removed from the cache. This method then calls IModel.CleanupAllData() on all IModels registered using RegisterModel(). This method is intended for releasing data stored in the server when the activity space is no longer needed, such as search objects that need to be maintained as long as the user is clicking through the search, but should be freed when the space can no longer be used. This can be used to prevent Java references to COM memory from hanging around in the long lived Java heap without cleaning up the underlying COM memory. The Java reference will still stay in the long lived heap until it gets garbage collected (which could be a while), but the COM memory should get released here. This method will not be called if an HTTPSession times out. CleanupTempData will be called before CleanupAllData.
CleanupTempData (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is called at the end of every HTTP request by the Interpreter. This method then calls IModel.CleanupTempData() on all IModels registered using RegisterModel(). This method is intended for cleaning up temporary data that is only used for the lifetime of a single request, like DB query results.
Create (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.
DeleteSubEditorFromList Deletes a previously created sub Editor from the sub Editor list contained in the main Editor AS class.
DeleteSubSpace (inherited from AActivitySpace) Delete the specified Sub-space and remove it from the Activity Space cache. This is permanent! The sub-space key is different from the space ID.
DisplayCommonJavaScript (inherited from AFormAS) This is a helper method that all classes that inherit from AFormDP can override if they like. The method provides a hook into the head so that DP's can add javascript. Simply override and return and HTMLScript. Also, it is best to return the results of the DisplayJavaScript functions from the appropriate views. Override this method to Display javascript from child IViews
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetAccessStyle (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method returns the current access style (i.e. Section 508 compliance, low bandwidth, or standard).
GetApplication (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the Application.
GetControl (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the requested Control. This method should probably wrap control objects in aggregating control objects to do page specific tasks. In other words, the default package control should have no page specific knowledge.
GetControlExists (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method checks whether or not a specific control exists in this AActivitySpace.
GetControlsEnumerator (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return an Enumerator for the registered controls.
GetCurrentFormData (inherited from AActivitySpace) JF- Returns the current name/value pairs from the Request. (This for PEI use only.)
GetCurrentHTTPRequest (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the HTTP Request for the current request.
GetCurrentHTTPResponse (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the HTTP Response for the current request.
GetCurrentNormalizedBaseURL (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the normalized base url of the current request. The normalized base url is essentially the request url up to and including the '?'.
GetCurrentPage (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the most recent DisplayPage.
GetCurrentRequestURL (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the full url of the current request.
GetEditorTitle Returns the Editor main title. It will get printed out in EditorHeaderView.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetHelpTopic (inherited from AActivitySpace) 
GetIsAccessStyleNonStandard (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return true if the current access style is not STANDARD (it is SECTION_508 or LOW_BANDWIDTH) otherwise return false.
GetIsAccessStyleStandard (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return true if the current access style is STANDARD otherwise return false.
GetIsInPlaceRefreshDisplayOn (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is used to return whether Display Pages should currently be displaying in place content instead of their normal content.
GetIsInPlaceRefreshEnabled (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is used to return whether this Activity Space has in place refresh enabled. If it is enabled, then we can, for example, include the JavaScript for JSXML. This method should be used carefully in shared components because if shared components use this method, then any time you add any in-place to an AS, you will have to implement it for all the shared components. Shared components that require you to implement a partial content display method should use another way to determine if they should be enabled or not.
GetIsSecuredSpace (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is used to return whether or not this space is secured (SSL) or not (regular HTTP).
GetLanguage (inherited from AActivitySpace) Gets the current language of the user. I.E. en, fr, jp
GetLeftMenu Returns the Editor left nav menu.
GetLocale (inherited from AActivitySpace) Gets the current locale of the user. I.E. en-us, en-gb, fr-fr, jp-jp
GetModel (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the requested Model.
GetModelExists (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method checks whether or not a specific model exists in this AActivitySpace.
GetModelsEnumerator (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return an Enumerator for the registered models.
GetName (inherited from AFormAS) 
GetPage (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the requested DisplayPage.
GetPageExists (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method checks whether or not a specific page exists in this AActivitySpace.
GetPagesEnumerator (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return an Enumerator for the registered pages.
GetParentSpace (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the parent AActivitySpace. If there is no parent space, this will return null.
GetParentSpaceID (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the space ID of the parent AActivitySpace. If there is no parent space, this will return null.
GetParentSpaceName (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the name of the parent AActivitySpace. If there is no parent space, this will return null.
GetPersistentSubSession (inherited from AActivitySpace) Returns the persistent subsession that the AActivitySpace can use to store cross-space data for use across multiple login/logout cycles. This SubSession is not cleared of its data on logout, so be sure not to cache anything on this session that could be considered a security risk if it was leaked to another user. Most developers should use the normal subsession (GetSubSession()) for cross-space data storage. This is currently only used when editing the default profiles.
GetPreviousPage Returns the previous Display Page. Return null if there was no previous display page.
GetRepostControlName Returns the name of the repost control class. E.g.: PropRepostControl.GetName()
GetResourceManager (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the XPResourceManager AActivitySpace.GetString() and the static method XPResourceManager.FormatString() should be used instead.
GetSpaceID (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the unique space ID for this AActivitySpace.
GetString (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method gets localized strings for an internationalized string file based on the user's locale. Available string files:
GetStyleSheetLinks (inherited from AActivitySpace) Figure out the style sheet; this method can be overriden by classes that require a special style sheet.
GetSubBanner Optional method to implement a sub banner.
GetSubSession (inherited from AActivitySpace) Returns the subsession that the AActivitySpace can use to store cross-space data. This also provides access to the ASCache object (ASConstants.SANDBOXASCACHE). This SubSession is cleared of all data on logout.
GetSubSpace (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the requested Sub-space. The sub-space key is different from the space ID.
GetSubSpaceExists (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method checks whether or not a specific sub-space exists in this AActivitySpace.
GetSubSpaceKey (inherited from AActivitySpace) Returns the sub-space key. If this is null, this is not a sub-space. This key is used by the parent AActivitySpace to identify sub-spaces (in case there are multiple instances of the same type of sub-space). The sub-space key is different from the space ID.
GetSubSpacesEnumerator (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return an Enumerator for the registered sub-spaces.
GetTimeZone (inherited from AActivitySpace) Gets the time zone of the current user. I.E. TODO
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetUserSession (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the user's Session. This is a generic Object that can be used for different kinds of sessions. This will have to be cast to the correct type of session (IPTSession for the portal).
GetVarPack (inherited from AActivitySpace) Helper method to access Variable Packages.
GetView (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return the requested View.
GetViewExists (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method checks whether or not a specific view exists in this AActivitySpace.
GetViewsEnumerator (inherited from AActivitySpace) Return an Enumerator for the registered views.
GoToSubEditor Creates and returns a ASURL object going to the Editor whose name and key were passed in argument.
Init Registers Views, Controls and Models used by the Editor Framework. Warning: m_myModel must be set before calling Init().
IsSubSpace (inherited from AActivitySpace) Returns whether or not this space is a sub-space.
refString (inherited from AActivitySpace) This creates a reference to a long query string parameter. Currently only the tree knows how to unreference this for certain parameters.
RegisterControl (inherited from AActivitySpace)Overloaded. This method registers the control so the AActivitySpace can manage it automatically. It also initializes it with the IModel argument. This operation will fail and return false if the control is null or if there is already a control with the same name registered with the AActivitySpace.
RegisterModel (inherited from AActivitySpace)Overloaded. This method registers and initializes the model so the AActivitySpace can manage it automatically. This operation will fail and return false if the model is null or if there is already a model with the same name registered with the AActivitySpace.
RegisterPage (inherited from AActivitySpace)Overloaded. This method registers the IDisplayPage so the AActivitySpace can manage it automatically. It also initializes it with the AActivitySpace argument. This operation will fail and return false if the IDisplayPage is null or if there is already a IDisplayPage with the same name registered with the AActivitySpace. The first DisplayPage will be set as the current IDisplayPage.
RegisterSubSpace (inherited from AActivitySpace) Registers the Sub-space. The sub-space key is different from the space ID.
RegisterView (inherited from AActivitySpace)Overloaded. This method registers the view so the AActivitySpace can manage it automatically. It also initializes it with the IModel and AActivitySpace arguments. This operation will fail and return false if the view is null or if there is already a view with the same name registered with the AActivitySpace.
ReInit (inherited from AActivitySpace) Re-Initialize the Activity Space in case models are holding on to an old session.
SetApplication (inherited from AActivitySpace) Sets the Application. This method must be called before Init();
SetCurrentFormData (inherited from AActivitySpace) JF- Sets the hastable with the name/value pairs from XPRequest. (This for PEI use only.) This method must be called at the beginning of every request.
SetCurrentHTTPRequestResponseObjects (inherited from AActivitySpace) Sets the HTTP Request and Response Objects for the current request. This method must be called at the beginning of every request.
SetCurrentRequestURL (inherited from AActivitySpace) Sets the current Request URL and computes the normalized base url. This method must be called at the beginning of every request.
SetHelpTopic (inherited from AActivitySpace) 
SetIsASSecured (inherited from AActivitySpace) Should be set to the request secure flag (IsSecureConnection). This method must be called before Init();
SetIsInPlaceRefreshDisplayOn (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is used to determin whether Display Pages should currently be displaying in place content instead of their normal content.
SetIsInPlaceRefreshEnabled (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method is used to determine whether this Activity Space has in place refresh enabled. If it is enabled, then we can, for example, include the JavaScript for JSXML. This method should be used carefully in shared components because if shared components use this method, then any time you add any in-place to an AS, you will have to implement it for all the shared components. Shared components that require you to implement a partial content display method should use another way to determine if they should be enabled or not.
SetOverWriteSubSpaces (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method turns on and off overwriting of sub-spaces when they register with this AActivitySpace. If bOverWrite is false, the space will give an error and ignore requests to overwrite a sub-space. This is the default state.
SetParentSpace (inherited from AActivitySpace) Set the name and ID of the parent AActivitySpace (i.e. the one that launched this space). If there is no parent space, then this method does not need to be called.
SetPersistentSubSession (inherited from AActivitySpace) Sets the persistent subsession that the AActivitySpace can use to store cross-space data across multiple login/logout cycles. This SubSession will not be cleared on logout. This method must be called before Init();
SetSpaceID (inherited from AActivitySpace) Sets the unique space ID for this AActivitySpace. This method must be called before Init();
SetSubSession (inherited from AActivitySpace) Sets the subsession that the AActivitySpace can use to store cross-space data. This SubSession will be cleared on logout. This method must be called before Init();
SetSubSpaceKey (inherited from AActivitySpace) Sets the sub-space key. If this is null, this is not a sub-space. By default, spaces are not sub-spaces. This key is used by the parent AActivitySpace to identify sub-spaces (in case there are multiple instances of the same type of sub-space). The sub-space key is different from the space ID.
SetTrackCurrentPage (inherited from AActivitySpace) This method turns on and off automatic tracking of the current IDisplayPage. The Interpreter calls SetCurrentPage at the end of every request with the most recently viewed IDisplayPage. If bTrack is false, MainAS will ignore this information. This is the default state.
SetUserSession (inherited from AActivitySpace) Set the user's Session. This is a generic object that can be used for different kinds of user sessions. For the portal it is an IPTSession. This will be called before Init() and CheckBasicAccess() are called.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.
unrefString (inherited from AActivitySpace) This unreferences a key to a long query string parameter
UnRegisterControl (inherited from AActivitySpace) Un-registers the requested control (removes it from AActivitySpace)
UnRegisterModel (inherited from AActivitySpace) Un-registers the requested model (removes it from AActivitySpace)
UnRegisterPage (inherited from AActivitySpace) Un-registers the requested view (removes it from AActivitySpace)
UnRegisterView (inherited from AActivitySpace) Un-registers the requested view (removes it from AActivitySpace)

Protected Instance Constructors

EditorAS Constructor Initializes a new instance of the EditorAS class.

Protected Instance Fields

m_mEditorMenu JF - This is where we store the Editor left navigation.
m_stringReferences (inherited from AActivitySpace) This hashtable is used to store references to extremely long query string parameters. e.g. hide lists to tree control Only certain parts of the tree control know how to use this.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

EditorAS Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor Namespace