Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

EditorModel Fields

The fields of the EditorModel class are listed below. For a complete list of EditorModel class members, see the EditorModel Members topic.

Public Instance Fields

m_asOwner Associated Activity Space

Protected Instance Fields

m_bCloseOnDone JF- If this is true, the framework will close the window on finish and cancel.
m_bDeleteOnCancel JF- This is for sub editors. The first time we access the Editor, if the user clicks on cancel, we want to delete it from the sub Editor list.
m_bEnableApplyButton JF- The Apply button next to the finish button is optional
m_bHideLeftNav JF- This is to hide the left navigation
m_bIsEditorReadOnly JF- If the user only has read access to the Editor.
m_bUserHasAccessToEditor JF- Is true if the current user has access to this Editor.
m_nEditorType JF- This is the Editor type. Constants for that variable are in EditorStartControl. This is mainly to know if it's create or edit mode.

See Also

EditorModel Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor Namespace