Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

EditorRepostControl Fields

The fields of the EditorRepostControl class are listed below. For a complete list of EditorRepostControl class members, see the EditorRepostControl Members topic.

Public Static Fields

POSTTOSELF_ACTION_ONRETURN_FROM_SUBEDITOR Repost action constant: This action is called when the user goes back to a main Editor after finishing a sub Editor (the main Editor form is posted).

Protected Instance Fields

m_asOwner (inherited from RepostControl) JF- Associated Activity Space.
m_bInitialized (inherited from RepostControl) has Init() been called properly?
m_htFormData (inherited from RepostControl) Variables for the lifetime of the execute(). Just for convenience. (Contains all the form params from the request.)
m_model (inherited from RepostControl) JF- Associated Model
m_nAction (inherited from RepostControl) JF- Value of the repost action
m_nPageStatus (inherited from RepostControl) JF- Server side validation. Current state. Note that if the state is set to invalid, all it does is it will not perform the changePage and finish actions. Also note that this framework does not provide any way to set the error/status message to display to the end user. Another framework is responsible for it. Finaly note that multiple save methods might return invalid on the same DP but we don't want to keep an array of status returned, we just need to know if invalid was returned at least once.
m_rRedirect (inherited from RepostControl) JF- Redirect object. Used to redirect at the end of the Form.

See Also

EditorRepostControl Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor Namespace