Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

ExpListModel Fields

The fields of the ExpListModel class are listed below. For a complete list of ExpListModel class members, see the ExpListModel Members topic.

Public Static Fields

EXPLIST_COLUMN_ENABLESORT Flag to know if the link to sort by that column should be enabled.
EXPLIST_COLUMN_ID Key (as an Integer) to get back the column ID from m_arrExpListColInfo
EXPLIST_COLUMN_INVALID MES- Flag to know how many flags there are- how many columns
EXPLIST_COLUMN_TITLE Key (as a String) to get back the column title from m_arrExpListColInfo
EXPLIST_COLUMN_WIDTH Key (as a String) to get back the column width from m_arrExpListColInfo
EXPLIST_SORTEDARRAY_PROPID_INDEX We are defining here a column ID for the Growable Sorted Array objects. This column has to reflect the position of the row in the list. Methods to implement the move up, down, first and last actions are already implemented in this class and are ready to be used. However they will work only if the column ID below exists in the object array.
MAX_ROWS Max number of items per page.
MOVEACTION_DOWN Will move the corresponding item one row down.
MOVEACTION_FIRST Will move the corresponding item to the top of the list.
MOVEACTION_LAST Will move the corres ponding item to the bottom of the list.
MOVEACTION_UP Will move the corresponding item one row up.

Public Instance Fields

m_asOwner (inherited from EditorHelperModel) Associated Activity Space.
m_nNextIndex To keep track of the next available index. This index is incremented each time a row is added to the list.

Protected Instance Fields

m_arrExpListColInfo Array of column titles, associated column IDs and column width
m_bAddButtonDisabled DCA - Variable to show add button or not.
m_bCheckBoxesDisabled DCA - Variable to show check boxes or not.
m_bEnableMoveRowActions Set this flag to true if you want to display the move up and down buttons at the end of each row. Warning: if this is set to true, then the sort by column will NOT be available anymore. You can't have both it doesn't make sense.
m_bIsReadOnly Special mode to have a read-only expandable list: all actions are hidden.
m_bWrapColumnHeaders JF- Wrap attribute for the column headers
m_imgAddIcon The add icon.
m_imgDeleteIcon The delete icon.
m_nListKey This key is used when there is more than one expandable list on the same Display Page.
m_saData This is where we store the data displayed on the list. We are taking advantage of the sorting features offered by the Array Wrapper framework.
m_sAddIconAlt Alt text for the add icon.
m_sAddLabel Text to display next to the add icon.
m_sDeleteIconAlt Alt text for the delete icon.
m_sDelRowConfirmMsg JF- COnfirmation message to display when the user deletes a row.
m_sEmptyListAlert Message to display as a JavaScript alert if the list is empty.
m_sInstructions Instructions to display when the list is empty.
m_sMainMessage Main message to display when the list is empty (in red).
m_sSectionTitle The section main title.
m_sTableInstructions JF- List instructions.
parent Associated AS class

See Also

ExpListModel Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.expandablelist Namespace