Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

ExpListView Members

ExpListView overview

Public Static Fields

HTMLBUTTON_DELETE JF- HTML Object name: Delete button
HTMLCHECKBOX_CHECKALL JF- HTML Object name: Check all checkbox
HTMLCHECKBOX_DELROW JF- HTML Object name: Delete row checkbox
HTMLHIDDEN_COLUMNID JF- HTML Object name: Column index
HTMLHIDDEN_MOVEACTION JF- HTML Object name: Move row action
HTMLID_EXPLIST RWW - HTML ID: Entire Expandable List.

Public Static Methods

GetHiddenInputsForPagination Returns the HTML to display the hidden inputs needed for the pagination. Those inputs have to be displayed only once per page.
GetJavaScriptsForPagination Returns the JavaScripts needed for the pagination. Those JavaScripts have to be displayed only once per page.

Public Instance Methods

AddEmptyCellToRow (inherited from EditorView)Overloaded. Adds an empty Cell to the Row passed in argument.
AddEmptyRowToTable (inherited from EditorView)Overloaded. Adds an empty Row to the Table passed in argument.
Create (inherited from EditorView) This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.
Display Returns the HTML for the View.
DisplayJavascript Returns Java Script for goToPage function.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetHeaderView (inherited from EditorView) Returns the header for the view. In the case that your Activity Space is not extended from EditorAS, but your view is, you will need to overwrite GetHeaderView with this same code, with the exception that you will be passing your m_asOwner. In here, the m_asOwner is expected to be of type EditorAS.
GetHTMLForRow Will be called for each row. Should return the HTML for row _nRowIndex.
GetName (inherited from EditorView) Returns the Class name.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
Init (inherited from EditorView) Inits the View with the read-only Model and the Activity Space.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Constructors

ExpListView Constructor Initializes a new instance of the ExpListView class.

Protected Instance Fields

m_asOwner (inherited from EditorView) JF- Associated Activity Space
m_model (inherited from EditorView) JF- Associated read-only Model
m_nLastVisibleRow Variable is updated when iterating through rows in Display(). Maybe be used in child classes.

Protected Instance Methods

AddHTMLToActionBar Empty method that sub classes can override to add actions to the action bar (like a create object action).
CheckRowIsVisible Helper method to determine whether or not row is visible. This method is used by Display().
Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetHeaderViewHelper (inherited from EditorView) Returns the header for the View.
GetHTMLBelowActionBar Returns the HTML for the space below the Action bar. (The one with the add and delete icons).
GetHTMLBelowMainTable Returns the HTML for the space below the main table, after all rows have been displayed.
GetHTMLForActionBar Returns the HTML for the Action bar. (The one with the add and delete icons).
GetHTMLForAddAction Returns the HTML for the add cell in the action bar.
GetHTMLForAllRowsAdded The HTML returned by this method will be printed out when all the rows in the list are already added and there are no more rows to add.
GetHTMLForBottomRow Returns the HTML for the last row of the main table.
GetHTMLForCheckBox Returns the HTML for the checkbox on row _nRowIndex.
GetHTMLForDeleteAction Returns the HTML for the delete cell in the action bar.
GetHTMLForEmptyCellInActionBar Helper method for empty cell between actions in the action bar.
GetHTMLForEmptyList The HTML returned by this method will be printed out when the list is empty.
GetHTMLForMoveRowActions Helper method for empty cell between actions in the action bar.
GetHTMLForPaginationLinks Returns the HTML to display the pagination links.
GetHTMLForSubHeader Returns the HTML for the sub header.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
SetRowStyle Helper method to set the style of a row. This method is used by Display().

See Also

ExpListView Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.expandablelist Namespace