Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

MultiColumnListModel Fields

The fields of the MultiColumnListModel class are listed below. For a complete list of MultiColumnListModel class members, see the MultiColumnListModel Members topic.

Public Static Fields

STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME Class name for the activity space

Public Instance Fields

m_asOwner (inherited from EditorHelperModel) Associated Activity Space.
m_intNumColumns Number total of columns
m_nNextIndex (inherited from ExpListModel) To keep track of the next available index. This index is incremented each time a row is added to the list.

Protected Instance Fields

m_arrDefaultValue This is used on add to populate the input text of the newly added row. Note, it MUST be initialized explicitly by the client.
m_arrExpListColInfo (inherited from ExpListModel) Array of column titles, associated column IDs and column width
m_arrFormDataKeys The names of the form items for each column.
m_bAddButtonDisabled (inherited from ExpListModel) DCA - Variable to show add button or not.
m_bCheckBoxesDisabled (inherited from ExpListModel) DCA - Variable to show check boxes or not.
m_bEnableMoveRowActions (inherited from ExpListModel) Set this flag to true if you want to display the move up and down buttons at the end of each row. Warning: if this is set to true, then the sort by column will NOT be available anymore. You can't have both it doesn't make sense.
m_bIsReadOnly (inherited from ExpListModel) Special mode to have a read-only expandable list: all actions are hidden.
m_bWrapColumnHeaders (inherited from ExpListModel) JF- Wrap attribute for the column headers
m_imgAddIcon (inherited from ExpListModel) The add icon.
m_imgDeleteIcon (inherited from ExpListModel) The delete icon.
m_imgRowIcon Icon to display on each row, just before the input text.
m_nListKey (inherited from ExpListModel) This key is used when there is more than one expandable list on the same Display Page.
m_saData (inherited from ExpListModel) This is where we store the data displayed on the list. We are taking advantage of the sorting features offered by the Array Wrapper framework.
m_sAddIconAlt (inherited from ExpListModel) Alt text for the add icon.
m_sAddLabel (inherited from ExpListModel) Text to display next to the add icon.
m_sDeleteIconAlt (inherited from ExpListModel) Alt text for the delete icon.
m_sDelRowConfirmMsg (inherited from ExpListModel) JF- COnfirmation message to display when the user deletes a row.
m_sEmptyListAlert (inherited from ExpListModel) Message to display as a JavaScript alert if the list is empty.
m_sInstructions (inherited from ExpListModel) Instructions to display when the list is empty.
m_sMainMessage (inherited from ExpListModel) Main message to display when the list is empty (in red).
m_sSectionTitle (inherited from ExpListModel) The section main title.
m_sTableInstructions (inherited from ExpListModel) JF- List instructions.
parent (inherited from ExpListModel) Associated AS class

See Also

MultiColumnListModel Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.expandablelist.multicolumnlist Namespace