Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

IConfigHelper Methods

The methods of the IConfigHelper interface are listed below. For a complete list of IConfigHelper interface members, see the IConfigHelper Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

GetApplicationBaseURLOverloaded. JF- Returns the Application URL according to the URL Mapping and the security. Warning: depending on the security mode, the security in argument might not make sense. E.g.: in mode 0, it doesn't make sense to request the secure URL (and it might just return an empty URL) The normalized base URL is available either cached on the AActivitySpace or by calling ConfigHelper.GetNormalizedBaseURL with the current request URL.
GetApplicationBaseURLToAS JF- Returns the Application URL according to the URL Mapping and determines the security according to the space name in argument.
GetHTTPEntryPoint JF- Returns the value of the HTTP Entry point from x_config.xml E.g.: server.pt
GetImageServerBaseURL This method used to return the Portal Image Server Base URL.
GetJSIncluderJSComponentIncludeOverloaded. HTMLElement with a script blocks including the javascript files for the given jscomponent.
GetMainServerApplicationURL JF- Returns the Main server URL from x_config.xml
GetNormalizedBaseURL DLH- Helper method to return the normalized base URL for use in determining the correct application base url.

See Also

IConfigHelper Interface | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.helpers Namespace