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HTMLRadioButtonGroupPlus Members

HTMLRadioButtonGroupPlus overview

Public Static Fields

STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME this class name

Public Instance Constructors

HTMLRadioButtonGroupPlus Constructor Default constructor, creates a new HTMLRadioButton object

Public Instance Methods

AddValidator (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Add a validator to this component's collection of validators.
Create This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetComponentHeadContent (inherited from AComponent) This method returns script that needs to be printed within the HTML head tag. This method could have been abstract except that most components do not have a use for it. It therefore returns null and should be overridden as needed. (Note: there is an anologous method for printing page- level content in ComponentMgr.)
GetComponentHTML Returns the HTML for this component.
GetComponentMgr (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Returns a ComponentMgr for this component. By default classes that extend AHTMLComponent may use this method to return the defualt ComponentMgr HTMLComponentMgr. If a component needs another ComponentMgr it should override this method.
GetComponentMgrName (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Returns the name of the ComponentMgr for this component. By default classes that extend AHTMLComponent may use this method to return the defualt ComponentMgr name, HTMLComponentMgr.STR_CLASS_NAME. If a component needs another ComponentMgr it should override this method.
GetComponentPostContent (inherited from AComponent) This method returns script that needs to be printed after the component itself has been printed. This method could have been abstract except that most components do not have a use for it. It therefore returns null and should be overridden as needed. (Note: there is an anologous method for printing page- level content in ComponentMgr.)
GetComponentPreContent (inherited from AComponent) This method returns script that needs to be printed before the component itself has been printed. This method could have been abstract except that most components do not have a use for it. It therefore returns null and should be overridden as needed. (Note: there is an anologous method for printing page- level content in ComponentMgr.)
GetComponentPreFormContent (inherited from AComponent) This method returns script that needs to be printed before the form in which this component is embedded. It therefore returns null and should be overridden as needed. (Note: there is an anologous method for printing page- level content in ComponentMgr.)
GetElement Return the RadioButtonPlus object at the given index.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetHTMLComponentName (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Returns the name of this HTML Component.
GetHTMLComponentSize (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Returns the size of this HTML Component.
GetHTMLComponentStyleClass (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Returns the style class of this HTML Component.
GetHTMLComponentValue (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Returns the value of this HTML Component.
GetJSValidationCode (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Return a string made up of all the JSValidationCode for each of the Validator's associated with this component.
GetLabel (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Returns the Label of this component
GetName Return the name of the MVC object.
GetPageMgr (inherited from AComponent) This method returns the page manager that houses this component manager.
GetSelectedValue Return the currently selected value of the radio button group.
GetSize Return the number of RadioButtons in this group
GetSubComponentHTMLByIndex (inherited from AComponent) This method serves as a getter for "sub-component" HTML. The breakdown of sub-components is decided by the component author. One example is the date/time-picker. It is made up of two sub-components: the date-picker and the time-picker. The constants for component sub-index should be specified in the component file and prefixed with "N_SUB_COMPONENT_INDEX." If the specified index is not valid, null should be returned. This method returns null in the parent instead of being abstract becuase many components will not need to use this method.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetUniqueInstanceID (inherited from AComponent) This method returns the string used to uniquely idenify this component on a page.
GetValidators (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Return the list of Validators associated with this object.
InitOverloaded. Initializes a new ARadioButtonGroupPlus object. Assign values, labels, icons ASURLs and descriptions by passing in the appropriate arrays.
Init (inherited from AHTMLComponent)Overloaded. JF- Initializes a new AHTMLComponent object.
SetHTMLComponentName (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Sets the name of this HTML Component.
SetHTMLComponentSize (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Sets the size of this HTML Component.
SetHTMLComponentStyleClass (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Sets the style class of this HTML Component.
SetHTMLComponentValue (inherited from AHTMLComponent) JF- Sets the value of this HTML Component.
SetLabel (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Sets the Label of this component
SetSelectedValue Set the currently selected value of the radio button group.
StoreUserInput Store the values of this HTML component.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.
Validate (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Return an XPArrayList of UIError messages gathered by calling the validate() method on all Validators in this Component's collection of Validators.

Protected Instance Fields

m_ptPageMgr (inherited from AComponent) The page manager associated with this component.
m_radioButtons the array of ARadioButtons owned by this group

Protected Instance Methods

AppendUniqueIDToElementName (inherited from AComponent) This method should be used to add the unique identifier to HTML inputs related to this component. If my element name is "in_cb_MyCheckBox" and my unique ID is "one", then this method will return "in_cb_MyCheckBox_one".
Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetHTMLComponentBaseName Returns the base name of this HTML Component.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
SetParameters (inherited from AHTMLComponent) Transfer the properties set to this object to the associated properties on the HTMLInput object. For example, Set the HTMLInput's styleClass with this object's GetHTMLComponentStyleClass.

See Also

HTMLRadioButtonGroupPlus Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.pagecontrols.htmlpagecontrols Namespace