Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

TreeHeaderDP Members

TreeHeaderDP overview

Public Static Fields

JAVASCRIPT_SUBMIT_TREE JS to submit the tree form in the body frame.
STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME Tree Header object name

Public Instance Constructors

TreeHeaderDP Constructor Initializes a new instance of the TreeHeaderDP class.

Public Instance Methods

AddToValidationFunction (inherited from AFormDP) This is a helper method that adds a function to the client side page validation. If this is not called, then a blank default validation function will be used. AddValidationFunction() should be called when the DisplayPage is first being constructed in the Activity Space. It should not be called each time the page is being displayed. The function name should be just the name of the function without parentheses or semicolons. I.E. myValidateFunction, which will be called by AFormDP as myValidateFunction(). These functions should return true if the page is valid, or display an error message and return false if the page is invalid.
Display (inherited from AFormDP) 
DisplayForm (inherited from AFormDP) This is a helper method that adds the main form to the page. It also calls PageDisplay, so AddForm and PageDisplay should not be used in the same page.
DisplayHTMLAfterForm (inherited from AFormDP) This is a method that classes extending this one can over write. The HTML returned by that method will get printed out after the FORM tag E. g.: If you have other forms, like with portlets. Override this method to display HTML after the form.
DisplayHTMLBeforeForm (inherited from AFormDP) This is a method that classes extending this one can over write. The HTML returned by that method will get printed out before the FORM tag and AFTER the BODY tag. E.g.: DIV tags should go in that method. Override this method to display HTML after the body and before the form.
DisplayHTMLinHEAD (inherited from AFormDP) This is a method that classes extending this one can over write. The HTML returned by that method will get printed out in the head. Warning: Only TITLE LINK and META can be added to the head with that method (use DisplayJavaScriptFromChild for SCRIPT) Override this method to display HTML in the head.
DisplayJavascript (inherited from AFormDP) This is a helper method that displays the javascript in the page. SetValidationFunction() and AddJavascript() should be called before this method.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
Get508RepostURL (inherited from AFormDP) Method Get508RepostURL.
GetCloseOnCancel (inherited from AFormDP) This is a helper method that determines whether or not cancels should close the window immediately. This is useful in the case of pop up windows, where you don't need to know anything unless the user presses finish. In this case, cancel should just call window.close(); Override this method to immediately close the pop ups.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetOnLoad (inherited from AFormDP) This is a method that classes extending this one can overwrite to set an onload handler for the page.
GetOwner (inherited from AFormDP) 
GetStatusViewEnabled (inherited from AFormDP) This method returns whether the status view is enabled.
GetStatusViewRepostValues (inherited from AFormDP) This method returns the repost values that we will turn the status view on for. The status view replaces the body of the existing view. Be default, AFormDP is initialized to show the status view only after a FINISH repost.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetUseJavascript (inherited from AFormDP) 
GetWindowFocusEnabled (inherited from AFormDP) 
Init (inherited from AFormDP) 
InsertJavascriptBeforeFormSubmit (inherited from AFormDP) Helper method to insert custom javascript in the form submit method right before the form is submitted. javascript should have 4 spaces indenting each line to make it line up with the code it is being inserted into.
PartialContentDisplay (inherited from AFormDP) This is a helper method that all classes that inherit from AFormDP can override. When displaying in place refresh content, this method is called instead of PageDisplay. In place refresh can be enabled via setting a flag in the activity space.
RemoveFromValidationFunction (inherited from AFormDP) This is a helper method that removes a function from the client side page validation. The function name should be just the name of the function without parentheses or semicolons. I.E. myValidateFunction, which will be called by AFormDP as myValidateFunction().
SetMultiPartEncoding (inherited from AFormDP) This method sets whether or not the form should use multipart encoding.
SetShow508FormFooter (inherited from AFormDP) This method sets whether or not the form should display the done and cancel buttons at the bottom of the page in 508 mode. This variable is ignored in normal mode. It is only valid in 508 and low bandwidth modes. This is for developers who provide their own buttons in standard mode, but want to use the AFormDP buttons in 508 mode (such as the editor).
SetStatusViewEnabled (inherited from AFormDP) This method sets whether the status view is enabled.
SetStatusViewRepostValues (inherited from AFormDP) This method sets the repost values that we will turn the status view on for. The status view replaces the body of the existing view. Be default, AFormDP is initialized to show the status view only after a FINISH repost. Set this to NULL to allow all values to display the view.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Fields

m_asOwner (inherited from AFormDP) The parent activity space. Warning: EditorDP overrides this to provide an editor specific version, so GetOwner() must be used in this class file.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetRepostControlName (inherited from AFormDP) This method is provided so that the repost control name can be overridden on a per DP basis.
GetRepostTypeIsPost (inherited from AFormDP) Override this method to set the form submission type.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

TreeHeaderDP Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.tree Namespace