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PTConstruct Members

PTConstruct overview

Public Instance Constructors

PTConstruct Constructor Constructor creates a new PTConstruct object. Construct objects are created by the PTConstructFactory object.

Public Instance Methods

AddElementToNestedElement Call this method to insert an HTMLElement into an HTMLElement object nested within this construct. Any existing HTML nested within the specified container element will be preserved.

AddHTMLEncodedStringToNestedElement Call this method to insert an HTML string into an HTMLElement object nested within this construct. Any existing HTML nested within the specified container element will be preserved.

This will HTMLEncode the string, and therefore should not be used for localized strings, which should be safe.
AddHTMLStringToNestedElement Call this method to insert an HTML string into an HTMLElement object nested within this construct. Any existing HTML nested within the specified container element will be preserved.

This will not HTMLEncode the string, and therefore should be used for localized strings, which should be safe.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetAllElements Call this method to obtain an XPArrayList containing all of the HTMLElement objects constituting this construct.

This list is recursively genererated, so it is likely that some of the HTMLElements on this list will internally include references to other HTMLElements on this list. For example, if this construct were a table, with a row, with a column, with an image, this method would return an XPArrayList with 4 items: an HTMLTable, an HTMLTableRow, an HTMLTableCell, and an HTMLImg.
GetDescription Get the description of this construct.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetHTMLElement Call this method to obtain the root HTMLElement of this construct.

For example, if this construct were a table, with a row, with a cell, with an image, this method would return a reference to an HTMLTable.
GetNestedElement Call this method to obtain an HTMLElement nested within this construct. Specify the ElementName identifying the HTMLElement you wish to obtain. ElementName objects can be obtained by calling the PTConstructType.GetElementName( ) method.
GetStringMap Call this method to obtain an XPStringDictionary describing those HTMLElements of this construct containing strings that can be updated.

This XPStringDictionary contains a mapping of element names to string ids. The element name indicates an HTMLElement object nested within this construct. The corresponding string id indicates which localized string is to be nested within.
GetType Call this method to obtain a PTConstructType specifying the specific type of this construct.
ReplaceNestedElementsWithElement Call this method to set the inner HTML element of a specific element within this construct.

All previous inner html elements and strings will be removed, and replaced with the passed HTMLElement.

ReplaceNestedElementsWithHTMLEncodedString Call this method to set the inner HTML string of a specific element within this construct.

All previous inner html elements and strings will be removed, and replaced with the passed string.

This will HTMLEncode the string, and therefore should not be used with localized strings, which shouldn't need to be encoded.
ReplaceNestedElementsWithHTMLString Call this method to set the inner HTML string of a specific element within this construct.

All previous inner html elements and strings will be removed, and replaced with the passed string.

This will not HTMLEncode the string, and therefore should be used for localized strings, which should be safe.
SetElementInnerHTMLElement Call this method to set the inner HTML element of a specific element within this construct.

All previous inner html elements and strings will be removed, and replaced with the passed HTMLElement.
SetElementInnerHTMLEncodedString Call this method to set the inner HTML string of a specific element within this construct.

All previous inner html elements and strings will be removed, and replaced with the passed string. This will HTMLEncode the string, and therefore should not be used for localized strings, which don't need to be encoded.
SetElementInnerHTMLString Call this method to set the inner HTML string of a specific element within this construct.

All previous inner html elements and strings will be removed, and replaced with the passed string. This will not HTMLEncode the string, and therefore should be used for localized strings, which don't need encoding.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

PTConstruct Class | com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlconstructs Namespace