Interface INavTypes

All Known Implementing Classes:
NavNull, NavNullPlusMandatoryTabs, NavTypeAccessible, NavTypeHorizontalComboBox, NavTypeJSPortalMenuDropDown, NavTypePortletNav, NavTypeSimpleLeftVertical, NavTypeTabGroupsLeftVertical

public interface INavTypes

Core pluggable navigation interface. All pluggable navigations must implement this high-level interface, which lsist the names of view classes used for each area of the page the developer wishes to take over for navigation purposes. Refer to IPluggableNavRO for all model-related methods to build navigation.

JohnO, DavidP
See Also:

Method Summary
 int GetID()
          Return the integer order of the navigation type.
 java.lang.String GetName(java.lang.String _strLangID)
          Return the text name of this navigation type shown in the subportal editor.
 java.lang.String GetNavAreaView(NavAreaEnum area)
          Primary method to implement for pluggable navigation support.
 java.lang.String GetScope(java.lang.String _strLangID)
          Return the description of this navigation plugin shown in the subportal editor.
 boolean IsFeatureEnabled(NavFeatureEnum feature)
          Return boolean to control whether or not a specific navigation feature is displayed.
 HTMLScriptCollection JavaScriptIncludes(AActivitySpace owner)
          Return the names of the javascript file includes as an array of strings or null if none are used.

Method Detail


int GetID()
Return the integer order of the navigation type. Must be greater than 5 for external plugins. Note that this number must be unique among registered navigation plugins on any specific install.

integer navigation topic position


java.lang.String GetName(java.lang.String _strLangID)
Return the text name of this navigation type shown in the subportal editor.

String plguin name


java.lang.String GetScope(java.lang.String _strLangID)
Return the description of this navigation plugin shown in the subportal editor.

String plugin scope


HTMLScriptCollection JavaScriptIncludes(AActivitySpace owner)
Return the names of the javascript file includes as an array of strings or null if none are used. A single javascript include is supported for all subviews in each pluggable navigation instance. IMPORTANT NOTE: This function is where IView.DisplayJavaScript() should be called in order for the navigation view specific javascript to appear in the navigation.



boolean IsFeatureEnabled(NavFeatureEnum feature)
Return boolean to control whether or not a specific navigation feature is displayed. Examples include the topbar, the header (banner), and the footer.

See Also:
NavFeatureEnum, NavFeatureHelper


java.lang.String GetNavAreaView(NavAreaEnum area)
Primary method to implement for pluggable navigation support. Return stringname of the view class by page area used in pluggable navigation. Viewnames returned will be registered as IView types associated with the main display class' MVC hierarchy and used to render the page via pluggable navigation. Area examples include left and right of page body, and above and below the banner. IView classes return HTML used to display the page.

See Also:
NavAreaEnum, NavAreaHelper

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