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Getting Started with CORBA

  • Overview of the BEA Tuxedo CORBA Environment

    Presents an overview of the CORBA environment in the Oracle Tuxedo product.

  • The Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Programming Environment

    Describes the tools, commands, services, and components that are central to developing CORBA applications that run in the Oracle Tuxedo environment.

  • Developing Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Applications

    Describes the steps involved in developing, building, and running CORBA applications in the Oracle Tuxedo environment. The Simpapp sample application is used to illustrate the programming steps.

  • Using Security

    Describes how security is incorporated into an Oracle Tuxedo CORBA application. The Security sample application is used as an example.

  • Using Transactions

    Describes how transactions are incorporated into an Oracle Tuxedo CORBA application. The Transactions sample application is used as an example.

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